What is an indicator of suspicious activity?

What is an indicator of suspicious activity?

Possible Indicators of Suspicious or Terrorist Activities: Unusual or extended interest in public utilities, large public gatherings, transportation centers, government buildings and other possible terrorist targets. Unusual requests for information, particularly about security or procedures for at-risk buildings.

Which of these behaviors would be considered suspicious?

Suspicious activities or behaviors may include, but are not limited to: Wandering around campus areas attempting to open multiple doors. Seeming nervous and looking over their shoulders. Entering restricted areas when not authorized or following immediately behind others into card-access areas while the door is open.

What do you do if you suspect suspicious activity?

If you see suspicious activity, please report it to your local police department. Local law enforcement officers can respond quickly. Once they assess the situation, they can obtain additional support.

How would you describe a suspicious vehicle?

Slow moving, without lights, aimlessly cruising in any location, including residential streets, schools, playgrounds (burglar, drug pusher, or predator); Parked or occupied, containing one or more persons, especially at an unusual hour (lookouts);

What is a word for a suspicious person?

1 apprehensive, distrustful, doubtful, jealous, leery (slang) mistrustful, sceptical, suspecting, unbelieving, wary.

What does the word suspicious?

1 : tending to arouse suspicion : questionable suspicious characters. 2 : disposed to suspect : distrustful suspicious of strangers. 3 : expressing or indicative of suspicion a suspicious glance.

What is the short form of suspicious?

Abbreviation for Suspicious:

3 SUS suspicious Slang, Internet Slang
3 SUS Suspicious Cell, Cytology, Cell Biology
1 Susp. Suspicious Law Enforcement, Government

Is Suspicious an emotion?

suspicion Add to list Share. Suspicion is a feeling that something might be true. That’s why it can mean a general bad feeling about someone or something, like neighbors who regard all new people with suspicion until they get to know them.

What is a suspicious nature?

adj. 1 exciting or liable to excite suspicion; questionable. 2 disposed to suspect something wrong. 3 indicative or expressive of suspicion.

What is the prefix for suspicious?

There is no suffix or a prefix in the word suspicious. It comes from the word suspicion which is latin word which means mistrust.

What would a suspicious person do?

STRANGER CARRYING PROPERTY A person with suspicious behavior might be carrying items that do not fit in with what a person is doing (i.e., a man carrying a crowbar while walking down the street). Or, a person might be carrying something at an unusual hour or a location that doesn’t fit what they have.

What is another word for suspicious of?

What is another word for suspicious?

distrustful doubtful
chary dubious
skepticalUS unbelieving
undecided unsure
doubting iffy

How do suspicious people behave?

Nervousness, nervous glancing or other signs of mental discomfort/being ill-at-ease. This may include sweating, “tunnel vision” (staring forward inappropriately), and repeated inappropriate prayer (e.g., outside the facility) or muttering.

What criteria would you use to determine whether a package or person is suspicious?

The following might help in identifying a suspicious package:

  • Unfamiliar return address or none at all.
  • Strange odour or noise.
  • Protruding wires.
  • Excessive postage.
  • Misspelled words.
  • Addressed to a business title only (e.g. President)
  • Restrictive markings (e.g. Do not X-ray)
  • Badly typed or written.

What makes a package look suspicious?

Things to Look For Suspicious packages or articles might have protruding wires, aluminum foil or oil stains visible, and might emit a peculiar odor. Suspicious packages or articles might have an excessive amount of postage. Letter bombs might feel rigid or appear uneven or lopsided.

What is suspicious package?

In this instance, the term suspicious packages is being used as a general term to cover a number of articles that could pose a potential threat, to include letters, packages or parcels, and unattended luggage or backpacks. Stay informed of possible or reported threats in your area.

What are examples of suspicious activity?

Some common examples of suspicious activities include:

  • A stranger loitering in your neighborhood or a vehicle cruising the streets repeatedly.
  • Someone peering into cars or windows.
  • A high volume of traffic going to and coming from a home on a daily basis.
  • Someone loitering around schools, parks, or secluded areas.

What triggers a suspicious activity report?

If potential money laundering or violations of the BSA are detected, a report is required. Computer hacking and customers operating an unlicensed money services business also trigger an action. Once potential criminal activity is detected, the SAR must be filed within 30 days.

Do banks report suspicious activity?

If something looks suspicious, the bank has a duty to report it under federal law. The financial crimes reporting system was created as part of the Bank Secrecy Act passed in 1970, and SARs have been part of the system since 1996.

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