What is another name for an antagonist?

What is another name for an antagonist?

What is another word for antagonist?

adversary rival
belligerent participant
oppugner emulator
archrival villain
invader debater

What is the function of antagonist?

Antagonists play two important roles in muscle function: (1) they maintain body or limb position, such as holding the arm out or standing erect; and (2) they control rapid movement, as in shadow boxing without landing a punch or the ability to check the motion of a limb.

What’s the role of an antagonist?

An antagonist, in a work of fiction, is a character or force that opposes a protagonist, the main character who often is the story’s hero. An antagonist provides the story’s conflict by creating an obstacle for a story’s protagonist.

What are the traits of an antagonist?

Common traits of many traditional antagonists include:

  • Driven by a goal or duty, or a desire to avoid something.
  • Has a relatable character flaw.
  • Loyal to cause, family, and allies.
  • Adapts easily to obstacles and change.
  • Has a secret or important information.
  • Superior intelligence or strength.

What is an antagonistic relationship?

In nature, the ecosystemic relations in which one organism benefits by causing harm to another are called “antagonistic relationships.” Antagonistic relationships arise because organisms have conflicting interests.

What are the main components of character?

Types of Characters

  • Protagonist and Antagonist. A story needs a central character, or hero, or protagonist.
  • Major and Minor Characters. Stories include major characters, such as the protagonist and antagonist.
  • Flat and Round Characters.
  • Static and Dynamic Characters.

What are the good qualities in a woman?

Scientists say: If a woman has these 14 qualities, never let her…

  • She is smarter than you. When you are looking for a partner for life, make sure that she is smart.
  • She is honest.
  • She has a positive outlook.
  • She compromises.
  • She laughs at your jokes.
  • She has an open heart.
  • She supports your goals and pursues her own.
  • She has a good relationship with her parents.

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