What is another term for right to vote?

What is another term for right to vote?

Alternate Synonyms for “right to vote”: vote; suffrage; franchise; enfranchisement.

Does disenfranchised mean?

Meaning of disenfranchised in English not having the right to vote, or a similar right, or having had that right taken away: Hundreds of thousands of teenagers and particularly teenage girls are utterly disenfranchised in this culture.

What does it mean to be disenfranchised related to voting?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Disfranchisement, also called disenfranchisement, or voter disqualification is the revocation of suffrage (the right to vote) of a person or group of people, or a practice that has the effect of preventing a person exercising the right to vote.

What part of speech is votes?

part of speech: noun. definition 1: a formal expression of a choice in an election or other group decision. My vote will go to the best candidate.

Is Revoted a word?

REVOTED is a valid scrabble word.

What does Revoted mean?

process of voting again

What is the meaning of revolted?

to break away from or rise against constituted authority, as by open rebellion; cast off allegiance or subjection to those in authority; rebel; mutiny: to revolt against the present government. to turn away in mental rebellion, utter disgust, or abhorrence (usually followed by from): He revolts from eating meat.

Is revote a valid Scrabble word?

REVOTE is a valid scrabble word.

What is the definition of appalling?

: inspiring horror, dismay, or disgust living under appalling conditions appalling savagery.

What is the definition of scornfully?

full of scorn; derisive; contemptuous: He smiled in a scornful way.

What are logical sentences?

A logical statement is a declarative sentence which conveys factual information. If the information is correct then we say the statement is true; and if the information is incorrect, then we say the statement is false. 1. Statements and negations. All logical statements are formed by combining simple state- ments.

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