
What is another word FOr saying?

What is another word FOr saying?

Synonyms of saying

  • adage,
  • aphorism,
  • apothegm,
  • byword,
  • epigram,
  • maxim,
  • proverb,
  • saw,

What is a pearl of wisdom?

: a wise word or statement He offered some pearls of wisdom about raising children. —often humorous A crowd of reporters gathered around the coach after the game to hear him dispense his usual pearls of wisdom.

What does stealthily mean?

slow, deliberate, and secret

What do you call a person who hurts you?

A sadist is someone who enjoys inflicting pain on others, sometimes in a sexual sense. A sadist is the opposite of a masochist, who enjoys being in pain. A sadist is all about hurting others, usually to get off sexually.

What is a spiteful woman called?

Use the noun shrew — at your own risk — to refer to a woman who is argumentative, nagging, and ill tempered. Superstitions associated with this small mammal led people in the thirteenth century to use the word shrew to describe a spiteful person, male or female.

What is a spiteful person?

spiteful Add to list Share. When you’re spiteful, you act in a mean way, with a desire to hurt someone. If you act or speak with the desire to hurt, bother, or infuriate someone, you are being spiteful.

What do you call a spiteful person?

snide, barbed, vindictive, malicious, catty, vicious, ornery, cruel, hateful, venomous, angry, dirty, evil, ill-natured, malevolent, malign, malignant, mean, waspish, wicked.

What causes spiteful behavior?

Spiteful behaviour is motivated by being hurt. When someone says something with malicious intent to hurt, to get their point across, they’re being spiteful. That person won’t think about the other person’s reasoning behind why they say what they say, instead they will simply lash out.

How do you deal with a spiteful person?

Remember, you cannot control another person’s actions but you can control your reaction. Do not continue to react in ways that encourage the behavior. Do not, say, get angry, emotional, or become overly accommodating to avoid negative feelings. Instead, work on remaining calm and emotionally disengaging.

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