
What is change in education system?

What is change in education system?

With emphasis on Early Childhood Care and Education, the 10+2 structure of school curricula is to be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure corresponding to ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively. The new system will have 12 years of schooling with three years of Anganwadi/ pre schooling.

What changes would you like to see in the education system?

Not everyone can afford the education system that they offer. Hence, the government needs to take the baton in their hands and eradicate rote learning from the schools at all the levels. The schools must be encouraged to introduce conceptual learning which avoids students to mug up what they are being taught.

What was Gandhi’s concept of education?

‘Work and knowledge should go together’ is the Gandhian principle of education. His philosophical concept of education is entirely based on the development of human personality, to maintain the discipline, to create the manual work with learning and to develop the culture of the peace.

What are the aims of basic education?

The core aim of basic education is to help students to develop self-sufficiency. Education should develop human values in the child. It is aimed to achieve the harmonious development of the child’s body, mind, heart and soul. It is geared to create useful, responsible and dynamic citizens.

What was the basic idea of Wardha scheme of education?

The Wardha Scheme of Basic Education (1937) provided for free and compulsory education in mother tongue. This was thought to create a classless society, free from any form of exploitation, either social or economic.

What is the other name of Wardha scheme of education?

The Wardha Scheme of Education derives its name from the education conference of National Workers held at Wardha under the president ship of Mahatma Gandhi. The scheme is also known as Nai Talim/Basic Education/Buniyadi Talim (Shiksha)/Basic Shiksha. The scheme is the outcome of the philosophy of Gandhiji.

Who introduced basic education system in India?

Lord Thomas Babington Macaulay

What is the meaning of integral education?

Integral education includes approaches to education from biological, neurological, societal, cultural, psychological, and spiritual fields of study.

Who gave the concept of integral education?

Sri Aurobindo

What is education According to Sri Aurobindo?

Shri Aurobindo emphasized that education should be in accordance with the needs of our real modern life. In other words, education should create dynamic citizen so that they are able to meet the needs of modern complex life. According to him, physical development and holiness are the chief aims of education.

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