What is considered a scholarly article?

What is considered a scholarly article?

Scholarly articles are sometimes referred to as “peer-reviewed” or “refereed” because they are typically evaluated by other scholars before being accepted for publication. A scholarly article is commonly a study or a literature review, and usually longer than a magazine article.

How long does it take to research and write an article?

Experts. If you’re an absolute beginner at this, a 1000 word article should take you about 3 to 4 hours. A 2000 word article should take you about 6 to 8 hours. The reason it takes so long is because you’re not experienced with writing consistently.

How do you write great content?

7 Easy Tips for Effective Content Writing

  1. Write a Head-Turning Headline. The headline determines whether audiences will read the rest of your work.
  2. Create a Hook That Grabs Their Attention.
  3. Do Your Research.
  4. Focus on a Single Purpose.
  5. Write in a Unique Voice.
  6. Optimize Digital Content.
  7. Edit Your Work.

Is lifestyle a niche?

If there’s been a successful category of magazines covering these topics for over a century, then, yes, lifestyle is very much a niche category without having to pigeonhole into just one of the verticals covered within lifestyle.

What does a lifestyle bloggers write about?

“A lifestyle blogger writes, creates, and publishes (multi)media content on various aspects of their daily lives.” Lifestyle bloggers share a broad variety of content centered around and inspired by their personal lives — most notably family, home, travel, beauty, food, recipes, fashion, makeup, design and decor.

How do I start a lifestyle blog for beginners?

How to Start a Lifestyle Blog in 10 Steps:

  1. Decide the Focus of Your Lifestyle Blog.
  2. Choose Your Lifestyle Niche.
  3. Choose Your Blogging Platform.
  4. Decide Your Domain Name.
  5. Buy Your Domain Name and Hosting.
  6. Choose and Install a Theme For Your Lifestyle Blog.
  7. Create Essential Pages & Logo.
  8. Begin Blogging.

How much money do lifestyle bloggers make?

From my recent challenge of setting up a lifestyle blog, I believe you can expect to make $500 to $1000/month within a year if you work consistently on your blog and write about popular topics. Some people will be more successful but this is a reasonable target for most people.

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