What is Curley running around looking for?

What is Curley running around looking for?

Curley runs around looking for his wife all the time because she has a reputation for running around on him. She is described as being better looking than Curley and Curley is described as not being much of a “man” for her.

Who is Curley looking for when he enters the bunkhouse?

Towards the end of chapter three, Curley bursts into the bunkhouse looking for his wife. When the men tell Curley that they haven’t seen his wife, he inquires about Slim’s whereabouts before running out of the bunkhouse to look for him.

How did Candy get $250?

When Candy lost his hand while working, he was given $250 from the boss. He also has another $50 in the bank saved from his paychecks.

What does Curley think about Slim?

Curley is suspicious that Slim is having an affair with his wife when he is not with the other men. Curley is depicted as a pugnacious man, who tries to control his wife and does not trust her around the other men.

Why does Curley end up apologizing to slim?

Curley apologises to Slim for accusing him of being with his wife and the men mock him for his insecurity about her. At first, Crooks is reluctant to allow Lennie into his room, angry that he isn’t permitted to be in the white men’s room.

What curleys wife says about Whit?

While Whit is playing cards with George, he mentions that Curley’s wife “got the eye goin’ all the time on everybody” and is continually hanging around the guys, which upsets Curley, who is an extremely jealous, pugnacious man.

How does Curley treat his wife quotes?

He wears a glove and coats his hand with vaseline to keep it soft for his wife. Curley clearly worries that his wife might not find him attractive. One of the ranch hands says of Curley’s wife, “she got the eye.” Even though she was just married to Curley, she is flirtatious with other men on the ranch.

Why does George tell Lennie not to speak to Curley?

George does not want Lennie to talk when they meet the boss because Lennie may say something that may cause them not to get the job. While they are in the clearing the night before they go to the ranch and their new job, George instructs Lennie to keep quiet when they meet the boss. “Lennie looked puzzled.

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