What is editor invited status?

What is editor invited status?

The status “Editor Invited” means an AE has been invited to handle your manuscript and the journal is waiting for her/him to accept the invitation.

How long is editor status?

Answer: It is perfectly normal for a submission to remain with the editor for over two weeks. The time taken for the different stages varies from journal to journal, but it is not uncommon for the journal system to show a “with editor” status for over a month after submission.

How long does PLOS ONE take to review?

about 43 days

Is Plos One a reliable source?

PLOS ONE is indexed by Google, Web of Science, PubMed, etc.; hence, it is considered a good journal. Your paper will show up in literature searches on specific topics. Thus, publishing in PLOS ONE, or any indexed journal, will attract as many citations as a paper published elsewhere but only if your article is useful.

Is PLOS Biology Open-Access?

PLOS Biology: A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal.


PLoS ONE is a journal covering the technologies/fields/categories related to Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) (Q1); Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q1); Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1). It is published by Public Library of Science. The overall rank of PLoS ONE is 3781.

Is open access good?

Open Access Increases Visibility Scholarly research spreads more rapidly and widely with open access because it lacks a paywall barrier. This visibility benefits you and your research because more people can and will access your work compared to publishing it behind a paywall in an equivalent journal.

What is Open Access publication fee?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. An article processing charge (APC), also known as a publication fee, is a fee which is sometimes charged to authors to make a work available open access in either an open access journal or hybrid journal.

What is another name of open access?

Open access refers to the practice of making peer-reviewed scholarly research and literature freely available online to anyone interested in reading it. Open access has two different versions—gratis and libre. Gratis open access is simply making research available for others to read without having to pay for it.

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