What is eggplant called in India?

What is eggplant called in India?

Bt Brinjal

Is eggplant and brinjal same?

Eggplant (US, Australia, New Zealand, anglophone Canada), aubergine (UK, Ireland, Quebec, and most of mainland Western Europe) or brinjal (South Asia, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa) is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit.

What is the meaning of vegetable brinjal?

1. a tropical Old World solanaceous plant, Solanum melongena, widely cultivated for its egg-shaped typically dark purple fruit. US, Canadian, and Australian name: eggplant. 2. the fruit of this plant, which is cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

What is the English word for eggplant?

Eggplant or Aubergine The British have borrowed quite a few foods terms from their French neighbors and none is more well-known than aubergine,known as eggplant in the U.S.. The word aubergine comes from the Catalan word alberginia, which came from the Arabic al-badhinjan and the Persian word badingan before that.

Why is called eggplant?

The name of eggplant was given it by Europeans in the middle of the eighteenth century because the variety they knew had fruits that were the shape and size of goose eggs. That variety also had fruits that are a whitish or yellowish colour rather than the wine purple that is more familiar to us nowadays.

What is the common name of eggplant?


Which plant is called also eggplant?

Solanum melongena

Is it OK to eat eggplant raw?

While it can be eaten raw, eggplant is even most wonderful when it’s grilled, baked, braised or cooked and pureed into a dip.

How long should I boil eggplant?


  1. Peel the eggplant then slice dice.
  2. Put into a cup so you know the ratio between the eggplant and the water, because it has to be 1:2.
  3. Prepare the water and heat it over medium heat.
  4. Wait until it boil.
  5. Reduce the heat till it reach small fire.
  6. Boil the eggplant about 8-15 minutes (just until the eggplant turn soft)

What is another name for eggplant?

Eggplant, (Solanum melongena), also called aubergine or Guinea squash, tender perennial plant of the nightshade family (Solanaceae), grown for its edible fruits.

What is brinjal called?

Eggplant(Baingan) Hindi Name: Baingan. Also known as Brinjal or Aubergine. Botanically it is a fruit which is widely used in Indian cuisine.

What is the difference between eggplant and brinjal?

Key Difference: Brinjal and Eggplant are two different words that refer to the same fruit. Eggplant/Brinjal is a member of the Solanales order and the Solanum genus. Brinjal is a less common term that is heard in countries such as India, while Eggplant is used in the US.

Is eggplant good for health?

Eggplant is a high-fiber, low-calorie food that is rich in nutrients and comes with many potential health benefits. From reducing the risk of heart disease to helping with blood sugar control and weight loss, eggplants are a simple and delicious addition to any healthy diet.

Can I eat eggplant everyday?

“You can eat eggplant every day, in season at least, and all it’s going to do is make you happy,” writes Mark Bittman. Try his recipes for pasta alla norma, baingan bharta or eggplant salad and get happy.

Is eggplant inflammatory?

Nightshade Vegetables Eggplants, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes are all members of the nightshade family. These vegetables contain the chemical solanine, which some people claim aggravates arthritis pain and inflammation.

Is eggplant dangerous to eat?

Because eggplants belong to the nightshade family, they contain an alkaloid called solanine, which can be toxic if consumed in large amounts. Eating the leaves and tubers of nightshade plants can be fatal, as there are large amounts of the alkaloid in parts of the plant that are not normally consumed.

Does eggplant have to be soaked before cooking?

Soak eggplant slices or cubes in milk for about 30 minutes before cooking. The milk not only tempers the bitterness, but it actually makes for eggplant that is extra creamy, since the vegetable acts like a sponge and soaks up a good amount of milk in its flesh.

Can you eat eggplant seeds and skin?

The small seeds inside the eggplant and the thin skin are all edible. To prepare the eggplant for cooking, you may choose to peel or score it (make thin, shallow cuts with a knife in the skin).

Are you supposed to eat the skin of eggplant?

The skin is entirely edible, though with larger eggplants it can be a little tough. If your eggplant is young, tender, and on the small side, the nutrient-rich skin can probably be left on for skillet frying or braising. Otherwise, peel the skin and then slice or cube the flesh.

What part of eggplant is poisonous?

Eggplants are part of the nightshade family. Nightshades contain alkaloids, including solanine, which can be toxic. Solanine protects these plants while they are still developing. Eating the leaves or tubers of these plants can lead to symptoms such as burning in the throat, nausea and vomiting, and heart arrhythmias.

How do you keep eggplant from absorbing oil when frying?

4 Ways to Prevent Eggplant from Absorbing Too Much Oil

  1. Brush the oil onto the eggplant. Instead of pouring oil into the pan, brush it on the eggplant flesh.
  2. Microwave it first. Before hitting the stovetop, give cubed and sliced eggplant pieces a spin in the microwave.
  3. Sweat the eggplant.
  4. Soak the eggplant in milk.

Why is my eggplant bitter?

This is a beautiful, delicious vegetable, but it’s one that frequently causes confusion among those unfamiliar with its idiosyncrasies. Eggplants are found in many colors, shapes, and sizes. Putting salt on the eggplant triggers osmosis, which draws out excess moisture and the bitterness along with it.

Which is better male or female eggplant?

Despite the ages old, old-wives tale that there are male and female eggplants and the male of the species is better eating – detected because it has an “outie” blossom end as opposed to the female “innie” blossom end – there is no such thing.

Should you salt eggplant before frying?

No need to salt first. Most recipes for eggplant insist you salt it before cooking. If you’re cooking it in some other way — roasting, grilling, steaming — salting has no effect. And when you are salting eggplant for frying, it takes a lot more than just a quick sprinkle and rinse.

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