What is evaluation in educational psychology?

What is evaluation in educational psychology?

Evaluation is a systematic process of determining the extent to which educational objectives are achieved by pupils. Evaluation includes both qualitative and quantitative plus value judgments concerning the desirability of that behaviour.

What is evaluation psychology?

EVALUATION ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY Evaluation means looking at the strengths and weaknesses of research: what features are done well and what features can be improved. It also means making comparisons: looking at how research is similar to or different from other research into the same area.

What is evaluation in learning process?

Definition. “Evaluation is the collection of, analysis and interpretation of information about any aspect of a programme of education or training as part of a recognised process of judging its effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes it may have.”

What evaluation means?

A common definition is: “The process of determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized” (Tyler, 1950, p. 69) Another accepted definition is: “Evaluation is the process of determining merit, worth, or significance; an evaluation is a product of that process” (Scriven, 1991, p. 53)

What are the 4 types of evaluation?

The main types of evaluation are process, impact, outcome and summative evaluation.

What is the aim of evaluation?

Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program’s activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming decisions (Patton, 1987).

What is evaluation example?

To evaluate is defined as to judge the value or worth of someone or something. An example of evaluate is when a teacher reviews a paper in order to give it a grade. To draw conclusions from examining; to assess. It will take several years to evaluate the material gathered in the survey.

What are the evaluation techniques?

Different Evaluation Techniques

  • Formative Evaluations. Formative evaluations are evaluations that occur during the process.
  • Summative Evaluations. The summative evaluation occurs at the end of the program.
  • Process Evaluation.
  • Impact Evaluation.
  • Outcome Evaluations.

What is the purpose of evaluation in education?

The Purpose of Evaluation and Testing Tests tell the teacher about the effectiveness of his/her teaching. The basic purpose of an evaluation is to make a judgment about the quality or worth of an educational program, or proficiency of a student’s attainments.

What are the tools of evaluation in education?

Most commonly used tool of evaluation. Various types of written tests are conducted throughout the academic session. Written tests are tests administered on paper or on a computer….Written examination include the following type of tests.

  • Essay type tests.
  • Objective type tests.
  • Short answer type tests.

What makes a good evaluation?

Start with a clear and measurable statement of objectives. Develop a theory about how program activities will lead to improved outcomes (a program logic) and structure the evaluation questions around that logic. Let the evaluation questions determine the evaluation method.

What are the basic principles of evaluation?

The following principles will help to make the evaluation process an effective one:

  • It must be clearly stated what is to be evaluated:
  • A variety of evaluation techniques should be used for a comprehensive evaluation:
  • An evaluator should know the limitations of different evaluation techniques:

What are the tools and techniques of evaluation?


  • Achievement test.
  • Anecdotal Record.
  • Cumulative Record.
  • Check List.
  • Rating Scale.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Observation.

Who is father of evaluation technique?

Ralph W. Tyler (22 April 1902-18 February 1994) is often referred to as “The Father of Evaluation or Father of Behavioral Objectives.” He is associated with curriculum theory and development and educational assessment and evaluation.

What are the principles of monitoring and evaluation?

  • Ten Principles of Effective Monitoring and Evaluation.
  • of the Implementation of National Anti-corruption Strategies and Action Plans.
  • Principle 1 – Sound indicators.
  • Principle 2 – Reporting by state bodies.
  • Principle 3 – Usage of IT-tools.
  • Principle 4 – Incentives for reporting.
  • Principle 5 – Monitoring bodies.

Which are the three basic tools for monitoring?

There are three basic categories of monitoring; technical monitoring, functional monitoring and business process monitoring.

What are the objectives of monitoring and evaluation?

Here the objective of the monitoring and evaluation is to decide whether the transition project or programme needs to be modified, for example in terms of the activities or target groups. This step is an integral part of reflexive monitoring.

What is the purpose of monitoring and evaluation?

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is used to assess the performance of projects, institutions and programmes set up by governments, international organisations and NGOs. Its goal is to improve current and future management of outputs, outcomes and impact.

What are M&E tools?

In most cases an M&E system refers to all the indicators, tools and processes that you will use to measure if a program has been implemented according to the plan (monitoring) and is having the desired result (evaluation). An M&E system is often described in a document called an M&E plan.

What is an M&E plan?

An M&E Plan is a document that describes a system which links strategic information obtained from various data collection systems to decisions that will improve health programs.

What does indicator mean?

An indicator is a measurement or value that gives you an idea of what something is like. vital economic indicators, such as inflation, growth and the trade gap. Synonyms: sign, mark, measure, guide More Synonyms of indicator.

What does M stand for in texting?

M means “Male”. This is the most common meaning for M on online dating sites, such as Craigslist, Tinder, Zoosk and Match.com, as well as in texts and on chat forums.

What is the meaning of ad infinitum?

Ad infinitum is a Latin phrase meaning “to infinity” or “forevermore”.

Is ad infinitum a fallacy?

An argument by repetition (ABR; also known as ad nauseam or ad infinitum) is a fallacy by which the speaker uses the same word, phrase, story, or imagery repeatedly with the hopes that the repetition will lead to persua- sion. He may use different words each time, but it’s the same point.

What does ad nauseam mean?

Ad nauseam is a Latin phrase that literally means “to nausea.” Use ad nauseam to describe something that’s been repeated or discussed so long that you’re sick of hearing about it.

What does ad hoc mean?

for this specific purpose

What is an example of ad hoc hypothesis?

Ad hoc hypotheses are often characteristic of pseudoscientific subjects. For example, Albert Einstein’s addition of the cosmological constant to general relativity in order to allow a static universe was ad hoc. Although he later referred to it as his “greatest blunder”, it may correspond to theories of dark energy.

Does Ad Hoc mean as needed?

The term “ad hoc” is a Latin phrase that literally means “to this” and is commonly understood as meaning “for this purpose.” It can also be used to mean “as-needed.” It is commonly used in both business and government.

Why is it called ad hoc?

Ad hoc comes from the Latin words meaning “for this.” Often the term is used as a criticism, in the sense that something done ad hoc is done hastily and can be ill thought out, serving only to address a problem in the short term.

What’s another word for ad hoc?

What is another word for ad hoc?

impromptu improvised
extempore makeshift
ad-lib emergency
expedient improvisational
make-do offhand

What is evaluation in educational psychology?

What is evaluation in educational psychology?

Evaluation is a systematic process of determining the extent to which educational objectives are achieved by pupils. Evaluation includes both qualitative and quantitative plus value judgments concerning the desirability of that behaviour.

What is evaluation psychology?

EVALUATION ISSUES IN PSYCHOLOGY Evaluation means looking at the strengths and weaknesses of research: what features are done well and what features can be improved. It also means making comparisons: looking at how research is similar to or different from other research into the same area.

What is evaluation in learning process?

Definition. “Evaluation is the collection of, analysis and interpretation of information about any aspect of a programme of education or training as part of a recognised process of judging its effectiveness, its efficiency and any other outcomes it may have.”

What evaluation means?

A common definition is: “The process of determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized” (Tyler, 1950, p. 69) Another accepted definition is: “Evaluation is the process of determining merit, worth, or significance; an evaluation is a product of that process” (Scriven, 1991, p. 53)

What is the aim of evaluation?

Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It involves collecting and analyzing information about a program’s activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness, and/or to inform programming decisions (Patton, 1987).

What is evaluation example?

To evaluate is defined as to judge the value or worth of someone or something. An example of evaluate is when a teacher reviews a paper in order to give it a grade. To draw conclusions from examining; to assess. It will take several years to evaluate the material gathered in the survey.

What are the steps of evaluation?


What are the three steps involved in evaluation process?

What Are The Steps Involved In The Process Of Evaluation

  • Following are the few steps involved in the process of evaluation:
  • (i) Identifying and Defining General Objectives:
  • (ii) Identifying and Defining Specific Objectives:
  • (iii) Selecting Teaching Points:
  • (iv) Planning Suitable Learning Activities:
  • (v) Evaluating:

Which is the first step of evaluation control?

The control function can be viewed as a five-step process: (1) Establish standards, (2) Measure performance, (3) Compare actual performance with standards and identify any deviations, (4) Determine the reason for deviations, and (5) Take corrective action, if needed.

What are the steps of evaluation in education?

Steps Involved in Evaluation:

  • (i) Identifying and Defining General Objectives:
  • (ii) Identifying and Defining Specific Objectives:
  • (iii) Selecting Teaching Points:
  • (iv) Planning Suitable Learning Activities:
  • (v) Evaluating:
  • (vi) Using the Results as Feedback:
  • Placement Functions:
  • Instructional Functions:

How do you control an evaluation?

The Evaluation and Control Process

  1. Ensure that a company is achieving what it set out to accomplish.
  2. Determine what to measure : Top managers and operational managers need to specify what implementation process and results must be capable of being measured in a reasonably objective and consistent manner.

What are the strategic evaluation and control?

Strategic evaluation and control is the process of determining the effectiveness of a given strategy in achieving the organizational objectives and taking corrective action wherever required.

What is controlling and evaluation?

Control is “the feedback process that helps the manager learn (1) how ongoing plans are working and (2) how to plan for the future”. Control means keeping on target. Evaluation involves reviewing the results from a program or activity to determine how well-intended objectives were achieved.

What are the main processes of evaluation and control of strategy?

‘Strategy evaluation’ is the process through which the strategists know the extent to which a strategy is able to achieve its objectives….The process of strategy evaluation consists of following steps:

  • Fixing Benchmark of Performance:
  • Measurement of Performance:
  • Analyzing Variance:
  • Taking Corrective Action:

How can I improve my evaluation?

Improving Performance Evaluations

  1. Begin with a strong performance plan.
  2. Use a uniform evaluation cycle.
  3. Require regular coaching and feedback.
  4. Hold formal interim reviews.
  5. Set clear expectations for supervisors.
  6. Provide supervisor training.
  7. Provide HR support to supervisors.
  8. Build a culture that values feedback.

What is the importance of strategic evaluation?

Strategic evaluation is an important tool for assessing how well your business has performed, relative to its goals. It’s an important way to reflect on achievements and shortcomings, and is also useful for reexamining the goals themselves, which may have been set at a different time, under different circumstances.

Why are evaluation and control important?

The evaluation and control process allows you to intelligently adjust your strategic plan, changing its course or putting it back on track so it continues to work for you.

What is a plan evaluation?

An evaluation plan is a written document that describes how you will monitor and evaluate your program, so that you will be able to describe the “What”, the “How”, and the “Why It Matters” for your program and use evaluation results for program improvement and decision making.

How do you plan a process evaluation?


  1. Step 1: describe the components of the complex intervention.
  2. Step 2: constructs for evaluation.
  3. Step 3: develop a list of potential process evaluation questions.
  4. Step 4: determine methods for evaluation.
  5. Step 5: consider program resources and context.
  6. Step 6: finalise the process evaluation plan.

What goes in an evaluation plan?

The evaluation plan should include information about what the evaluation is trying to do (what is to be evaluated, the purposes of the evaluation and key evaluation questions) and how it will be done (what data will be collected, how and when, how data will be analyzed, and how and when results will be reported).

What are the benefits of an evaluation plan?

The benefits of an evaluation plan It serves as a reference when questions arise about priorities, supports requests for program and evaluation funding, and informs new staff. An evaluation plan also can help stakeholders develop a realistic timeline for when the program will (or should) be ready for evaluation.

Who benefits from a program evaluation?

Program evaluation is a valuable tool for program managers who are seeking to strengthen the quality of their programs and improve outcomes for the children and youth they serve. Program evaluation answers basic questions about a program’s effectiveness, and evaluation data can be used to improve program services.

What is an effective evaluation?

• Outcome/effectiveness evaluation measures program effects in the target population by assessing the progress in the outcomes or outcome objectives that the program is to achieve. • Impact evaluation assesses program effectiveness in achieving its ultimate goals.

What makes a good evaluation?

Start with a clear and measurable statement of objectives. Develop a theory about how program activities will lead to improved outcomes (a program logic) and structure the evaluation questions around that logic. Let the evaluation questions determine the evaluation method.

What is the purpose of evaluation in education?

The Purpose of Evaluation and Testing Tests tell the teacher about the effectiveness of his/her teaching. The basic purpose of an evaluation is to make a judgment about the quality or worth of an educational program, or proficiency of a student’s attainments.

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