What is feminist social research?
Feminist research is an approach to social research which uses a specific sub-set of methods, and/or makes a particular selection of topics, with the goal of challenging methodologies developed by men, and enhancing the position of women in society.
What does feminist research mean?
Feminist research is described in terms of its purposes of knowledge about women’s lives, advocacy for women, analysis of gender oppression, and transformation of society. Feminist critiques of social science research are reviewed in relation to the development of methodological and epistemological positions.
What is the importance of feminist research in our society?
Feminist research stresses the importance of considering how gender intersects with other forms of women’s oppression based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, class, nationality, and so on. Feminist research promotes social justice and works to initiate social change in women’s lives.
What are feminist research methodologies?
The feminist method is a means of conducting of scientific investigations and generating theory from an explicitly feminist standpoint. Each of these methods must consist of different parts including: collection of evidence, testing of theories, presentation of data, and room for rebuttals.
What are the five basic principles of feminist methodology?
In this article, I show how my research on the postpartum depression self-help movement illustrates five features of feminist methodology: a gender perspective, accentuation of women’s experiences, reflexivity, participatory methods, and social action.
What are the tools of feminist research?
Qualitative research consists of ethnographic methods such as, participant observation, in-depth interviews, group interviews and content analysis. A more detailed description of the various feminist research methods is discussed using references by Liesbet Van Zoonen and many other scholars.
What is feminist approach?
The feminist approach requires supporting the voice, agency and empowerment of women and girls in all their diversity and others who face discrimination or marginalization.
Why do feminist researchers prefer qualitative research?
It has been argued that qualitative methods are more appropriate for feminist research by allowing subjective knowledge (DEPNER 1981; DUELLI KLEIN 1983), and a more equal relationship between the researcher and the researched (OAKLEY 1974; JAYARATNE 1983; STANLEY & WISE 1990).
What is feminist theory in qualitative research?
Feminist research is described in terms of its purposes of knowledge about women’s lives, advocacy for women, analysis of gender oppression, and transformation of society. Reflexivity, collaboration, power analysis, and advocacy are discussed as common practices of feminist qualitative research.
What is critical research?
Critical research is a loosely defined genre of social inquiry whose central theme involves the problematization of knowledge. This includes knowledge produced by social researchers; therefore, critical research must profoundly include a self-reflexive or reflective component.
What are the basic arguments of feminist socialist theory?
Socialist feminists believe that women’s liberation must be sought in conjunction with the social and economic justice of all people. They see the fight to end male supremacy as key to social justice, but not the only issue, rather one of many forms of oppression that are mutually reinforcing.
What is the main idea of socialist feminism?
Socialist feminists reject the exploitation of anyone, demand equal representation within institutions (we have this in common with all liberal feminists), and are able to perceive the specific ways people are exploited through unpaid labor, through their bodies, and by society’s contempt for values stereotyped as …
What is feminism in simple terms?
Feminism is a social and political movement. Feminism is about changing the way that people see male and female rights (mainly female), and campaigning for equal ones. Somebody who follows feminism is called a feminist. Feminism began in the 18th century with the Enlightenment.
What are the main principles of liberal and socialist feminist theories?
Liberal feminism and mainstream feminism are very broad terms, frequently taken to encompass all feminism that is not radical or revolutionary socialist/Marxist, and that instead pursues equality through political, legal and social reform within a liberal democratic framework; as such liberal feminists may subscribe to …