
What is figure caption?

What is figure caption?

A caption is a numbered label, such as “Figure 1”, that you can add to a figure, a table, an equation, or another object. You can also use those captions to create a table of the captioned items for example, a table of figures or a table of equations.

What is a legend on a figure?

Usually, figures and tables present complex data visually in the results section of the manuscript. Legends or captions explain figures, tables, or images in the manuscript. Legends should satisfy these two primary requirements: Make readers understand the significance of the figure or table.

What should a figure caption include?

Figure captions Figures should be labeled with a number followed by a descriptive caption or title. Captions should be concise but comprehensive. They should describe the data shown, draw attention to important features contained within the figure, and may sometimes also include interpretations of the data.

What is figure legend in table?

Table legends go above the body of the Table and are left justified; Tables are read from the top down. Figure legends go below the graph and are left justified; graphs and other types of Figures are usually read from the bottom up.

What makes a good figure legend?

An effective legend is the key to help a figure stand alone. The title should describe what the figure is about. The methods include all (and no more than) the necessary details to understand the figure without referring back to the body text. The results show the key findings as seen in the figure.

Do tables need a legend?

Just like tables all figures need to have a clear and concise legend caption to accompany them. Images help readers visualize the information you are trying to convey. Often, it is difficult to be sufficiently descriptive using words.

Can you put figures in introduction?

I would assume that there is no formal rule about figures in the introduction (at least i haven’t heard of it). Still, it would be unusual because introductions tend to not get into specifics. I’d guess it depends on the context of your paper, but if you keep it very simple and brief, you should go for it.

Where do captions go for tables?


  • A figure caption is centered under the figure; a table caption is centered above the table (if a caption is more than one line, make it left justified).
  • A Figure and its caption should appear on the same page.
  • All captions should start with a capitalized word and end with a period.

How do you mention figures in text?

When citing a table or a figure in text, refer to it by its number, such as “Table 3” or “Figure 2.” Do not refer to it by its position relative to the text (e.g., “the figure below”) or its page number (e.g., “the table on page 12”); these will change when your paper is typeset, assuming you are writing a draft …

What’s the difference between a table and a figure?

Tables are numerical values or text displayed in rows and columns. A Figure is any type of illustration (chart, graph,photograph, drawing maps …) other than a table.

What is the main part of the table called?


What are the three components of a table?

It consists of columns and rows. In relational databases, and flat file databases, a table is a set of data elements (values) using a model of vertical columns (identifiable by name) and horizontal rows, the cell being the unit where a row and column intersect.

What is a table number?

The table number is used for a wedding with assigned table arrangements. A guest will find a card (or similar item) that has their name and assigned table number on it. Your table numbers are going to be used to help guests find their seat.

Which is a part of table?

A table is a two-dimensional structure that has columns and rows. Using more traditional computer terminology, the columns are called fields and the rows are called records. You can use either terminology. Most people are familiar with seeing information in tables.

Which is the most important part of a table?

Stub refers to the headings of rows. This is the most important part of a table. It contains a number of cells. Cells are formed due to the intersection of rows and column.

What is general purpose table?

According to Purpose  General Purpose Table: General purpose table is that table which is of general use. It is does not serve any specific purpose or specific problem under consideration.  Special Purpose Table: Special Purpose table is that table which is prepared with some specific purpose in mind.

What are the basic components of table?

Parts of a Table

  • Title number and title.
  • Divider rules.
  • Spanner heads.
  • Stub heads.
  • Column heads.
  • Row titles.
  • Cells.
  • Footnotes.

What are the features of good table?

write down features for good table?

  • Attractive:It should be attractive as to leave good impression on reader.
  • Clarity: A table should be simple and clear i.e. can easily be understood.
  • Manageable size: Too much details should not be there and the size of the table should be medium i.e. neither too big nor too small.

What is a table chart?

A table chart is a means of arranging data in rows and columns. The use of tables is pervasive throughout all communication, research and data analysis. Tables appear in print media, handwritten notes, computer software, architectural ornamentation, traffic signs and many other places.

What is a simple table?

A simple table here means means that there is a maximum of one header row and one header column where a header column specifies the type of information in the column. In addition, there are no merged cells within a simple table. Below are examples of simple and complex tables.

What is a table and a graph?

What are tables and graphs? Tables and graphs are visual representations. They are used to organise information to show patterns and relationships. A graph shows this information by representing it as a shape. Researchers and scientists often use tables and graphs to report findings from their research.

Is a table a diagram?

Overview. The term “diagram” in its commonly used sense can have a general or specific meaning: visual information device : Like the term “illustration”, “diagram” is used as a collective term standing for the whole class of technical genres, including graphs, technical drawings and tables.

What is a table in MS Word?

A table is made up of rows and columns. The intersection of a row and column is called a cell. Tables are often used to organize and present information, but they have a variety of other uses as well. You can use tables to align numbers in columns, and then sort and perform calculations on them.

How a table is created in MS Word?

For a basic table, click Insert > Table and move the cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows you want. For a larger table, or to customize a table, select Insert > Table > Insert Table. Tips: If you already have text separated by tabs, you can quickly convert it to a table.

What is a table style?

A table style is a collection of table formatting attributes, such as table borders and row and column strokes, that can be applied in a single step. A cell style includes formatting such as cell insets, paragraph styles, and strokes and fills.

What is a table write its advantages?

Answer: The biggest benefit of adding a table to is providing a visual grouping of information. While you could simply type rows of data onto the Word page, the straight lines of a table direct the reader’s eye and show a clear delineation where paragraphs of text may not.

How are tables useful in MS Word?

Tables are useful for various tasks such as presenting text information and numerical data. In Word, you can create a blank table, convert text to a table, and apply a variety of styles and formats to existing tables.

Why do we need a table of contents?

Why is a Table Of Contents Necessary? A table of contents is important to orient the reader. It gives them a roadmap to the novel (just like a plot outline acts as a map to the writer). Breaking up writing into manageable chunks (sections, parts, chapters) makes it easier to digest for readers.

Why tables are really much better than graphs?

A table lays down your results, unadorned, for the readers—and, most importantly, scientific peers—to judge. Good tables often have lots of numbers. That is fine—different readers may be interested in different things. There is also the question of what words should be used for the rows and columns of the table.

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