What is flame in Elvish?

What is flame in Elvish?

nár noun “flame”, also nárë (NAR1).Translated “fire” in some names, see Aicanár(o), Fëanáro (where nár apparently has the masculine ending -o added to it). According to PE17:183, nár- is “fire as an element” (a concrete fire or blaze is rather called a ruinë).

What is the Elvish word for dragon?

Words denoting “dragon” in Quenya are lókë and angulóke. Sindarin has lhûg and amlug. In Gnomish, “dragon” is fuithlug (“a dragon who guards treasure”), lingwir or ulug (plural ulûgin; “she dragon” is uluch, uluchnir or ulugwin).

What is the Elvish word for Starlight?


What is the Elvish word for shadow?

The Sindarin word gwath “shadow” becomes i ‘wath, “the shadow”.

What’s Elvish for friend?


What is the Elvish word for love?

Primitive elvish mel- “to love”, ᴱQ.

What is beautiful in Elvish?

vanimelda adj., said to be “the highest word of praise for beauty”, with two interpretations that were apparently considered equally valid and simultaneously true: “beautiful and beloved” (vanima + melda, with haplology), i.e. “movingly lovely”, but also “elven-fair” (fair as an Elf) (vanima + elda).

What is I love you in Sindarin?

“I Love You” in Elvish (From J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings) via GIPHY. “Gi melin”

What is the Elvish word for moon?


What names mean moon?

50 Boy Names That Mean Moon

  • Aadhira. Aadhira means moon in Hindi.
  • Abylay. Abylay is a Kazakh name meaning father of the moon.
  • Aegaeon. Aegaeon means stormy one or goatish in Greek.
  • Agharna. In Sanskrit, Agharna means the moon.
  • Aibek. Aibek is a Kyrgyz name that means moon master or moon chieftain.
  • Anningan.
  • Apollo.
  • Arche.

How do you say blood in Elvish?

Quenya 

  1. yár 0. Q. blood. yár (yar-, as in dat.sg.
  2. yór 0. Q. blood. yór noun “blood”; see yár (VT46:22)
  3. sercë 0. Q. noun. blood.
  4. sercë 0. Q. blood. sercë (“k”)noun “blood” _(SA:sereg, PE17:184; the Etymologies gives _yár as the Quenya word for “blood”)

How do you say child in Elvish?


  1. Ad. – hin “child, patronymic”
  2. S. hên “child” ✧ SA/híni; WJ/403.

What does mithrandir mean in Elvish?

Mithrandir is a name in Sindarin meaning “the Grey Pilgrim” or “the Grey Wanderer”. Midway through The Lord of the Rings, Gandalf becomes the head of the order of Wizards, and is renamed Gandalf the White.

What is the Elvish word for mother?

Q. emme

What Elvish does Legolas speak?

Sindarin is the most common elvish language, and would be what Galadriel, Elrond, and Celeborn speak regularly. Thranduil was also Sindarin, and spoke the Sindarin language in his home (though not necessarily in public, at least during his early period in Mirkwood.) Legolas definitely speaks Sindarin.

Does Legolas get married?

Legolas never marries. The closest he gets is spending the rest of his life, as far as we know, with Gimli; they travel around Middle Earth for decades together, and eventually Gimli is given special dispensation to travel to the Undying Lands with his “friend” Legolas—the only dwarf ever to do so.

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