
What is freedom for you Brainly?

What is freedom for you Brainly?

freedom is the rights of every person to live in a peaceful life because we people have rights ti di what we want we have the rights to dream and to be free in any harm. webew7 and 36 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 22. 4.2. (14 votes)

Why do we need freedom Brainly?

Freedom is a condition in which people have the opportunity to speak, act and pursue happiness without unnecessary external restrictions. Freedom is importantbecause it leads to enhanced expressions of creativity and original thought, increased productivity, and an overall high quality of life.

What is spiritual freedom Brainly?

Spiritual Freedom is . The power to exercise our God-given right to personal liberty in our spiritual journey to find our purpose and fulfill our destiny in this life. tramwayniceix and 24 more users found this answer helpful. Thanks 21.

Where does freedom come from Brainly?

Answer. Answer: The word freedom comes from an Old English word frēodōm, which was a state of emancipation, liberty, or free will.

Do you agree that you are gifted with freedom Why Brainly?

Answer. Answer: Yes I agree, because I am free and I can do whatever I want to do.

What is spiritual freedom in philosophy?

 The power to exercise our God-given right to personal liberty in our spiritual journey to find our purpose and fulfill our destiny in this life. 6. Do you . . .

What does absolute freedom mean?

Absolute freedom is complete freedom of mental physical and emotions. It is a freedom form our desire, fear, pain, and grief. It is not only for particular religion caste creed or sex. It is for everyone in mankind.

What does it mean if something is absolute?

Use absolute as a noun or an adjective when you’re so sure of something that you know it will never change. Absolute can also mean “without any doubt,” as in the case of an absolute beauty — such as a glamorous movie star or a supermodel — or “without limits,” such as a dictator who has absolute power over the people.

When and how do you say that you have an absolute freedom?

Answer. Answer: Absolute Freedom is that you have to be part of society and live by its rules, but you can also affect that society through those rules. For example, you can live where you want, work how you want, meet people you want, as long as you follow laws, pay taxes, and so on.

What does Sartre mean with the phrase absolute freedom?

Sartre famously describes the for-itself as “being what it is not and not being what it is” (Ibid, xxviii). By this he means that an individual is free because he escapes from being. For Sartre, existence precedes essence, freedom is absolute, and existence is freedom.

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