What is high idle used for?
High idle engine switches—also called high idle controllers, or high idle kits—are used in a variety of industries in which end-users require high power from a vehicle when it’s not in motion. Common applications include armored and security vehicles, work trucks, buses and motor coaches.
How much fuel does a diesel use at idle?
Idling a heavy-duty truck consumes about 0.8 gallon of fuel per hour. Even when diesel costs as little as $2.50 a gallon, fuel for one 10-hour rest period will cost $20. Typically, a long-haul truck idles about 1,800 hours per year, using about 1,500 gallons of diesel.
What is wet stacking on a generator?
Wet stacking refers to a condition where a diesel engine has a thick, dark liquid substance dripping from its exhausts. The condition occurs when a diesel engine’s un-used/unburned fuel, carbon particles, and accumulated moisture gather around the exhaust system components.
Does wet stacking affect output?
For efficient combustion, a diesel engine should not be run under at least 60 per cent of its rated power output. Additionally, wet stacking can results in a build up of diesel fuel in the engine which does not combust due to the low temperature in the engine. This results in a reduced fuel economy.
How long does it take to wet stack a generator?
The general cure for wet stacking is a few hours of operation at a load of about 75% to 100% of the generator’s nameplate rating, raising the exhaust temperature high enough to vaporize the unburned fuel in the exhaust system and blow out the soot.
How do you prevent wet stacking?
To prevent wet stacking, regularly exercise your generator according to NFPA and manufacturer guidelines (at least once a week with at least a 60% load), always run your engine at optimal temperatures, make sure the fuel tank is always full, have a qualified technician maintain your generator at regular intervals, and …
How do load banks work?
The load bank applies an electrical load to the power source and dissipates the resulting electrical energy through resistive elements as heat. Load banks can either be permanently installed at a facility and permanently connected to a power source or portable versions can be used for testing when required.
Do diesel trucks stack wet?
A Universal Problem. In Diesel Generators, wet stacking is usually caused by the diesel engine running with as little as 20% ~ 30% of its rated capacity. Fuel injector fouling will occur if operated for prolonged periods at low loads.
What is engine slobbering?
Engine slobber is a black, oily liquid that can leak from exhaust manifold joints due to extended low- or no-load scenarios. Running at high idle with little or no load reduces the heat in the cylinder, allowing unburned fuel and oil deposits to leak through the exhaust slip joints.
What causes engine slobber?
Engine slobbering usually results when an engine is run for long periods of time at light loads. Low engine temperatures can also result in incomplete combustion, causing low exhaust temperatures and the condensation of un-burnt fuel in the exhaust manifold.
What is wet loading?
When a diesel engine is operated on light loads, it will not attain its correct operating temperature. When the diesel engine runs below its designed operating temperature for extended periods, unburned fuel is exhausted and noticed as wetness in the exhaust system, hence the phrase “wet stacking.”