What is hspd12?
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12), Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors directs the implementation of a standardized badging process, which is designed to enhance security, reduce identity fraud, and protect the personal privacy of those issued government …
What is FEMA in the US?
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) supports citizens and emergency personnel to build, sustain, and improve the nation’s capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
What is the PPD 21?
Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience (February 2013), establishes national policy on critical infrastructure security and resilience advancing a national unity of effort to strengthen and maintain secure, functioning, and resilient critical infrastructure.
Is PPD 20 consistent with the international law of war?
While the U.S. factsheet claims PPD-20 acts within the law and is, “consistent with the values that we promote domestically and internationally as we have previously articulated in the International Strategy for Cyberspace”, it doesn’t reveal cyber operations in the directive.
What is PDD 63?
PDD-63 (also known as NSC-63) was the product of an interagency evaluation of the recommendations of the President’s Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection, with a view to producing a workable and innovative framework for critical infrastructure protection, which described a strategy for cooperative efforts …
Which of the following was established under HSPD 7?
Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) established the U.S. national policy for identification of and prioritization for protection of critical infrastructure. Signed by George W. Bush on December 17, 2003 it modified previous policy for a post-9/11 country.
Why is critical infrastructure protection important?
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is the need to protect a region’s vital infrastructures such as food and agriculture or transportation. Every government in every nation has a responsibility to protect these essential critical infrastructure against natural disasters, terrorist activities and now cyber threats.