What is indefinite pitch?
A sound or note of indefinite pitch is one that a listener finds impossible or relatively difficult to identify as to pitch. Sounds with indefinite pitch do not have harmonic spectra or have altered harmonic spectra—a characteristic known as inharmonicity.
Is a cymbal indefinite pitch?
A cymbal is a common percussion instrument. Often used in pairs, cymbals consist of thin, normally round plates of various alloys. The majority of cymbals are of indefinite pitch, although small disc-shaped cymbals based on ancient designs sound a definite note (such as crotales).
Why do drums have different pitches?
If the skin is tight the drum makes a high note, if it is slack it makes a low note. Greg points out the amount of air inside a drum also influences its pitch. The more air in a drum, the lower the note. The less air in a drum, the higher the note.
What should a drummer do to reduce the pitch of his drum?
You can manipulate the pitch of a drum in three ways: 1) tighten the drum’s skin to make the pitch higher; 2) put a thicker skin on the drum to lower the pitch; and 3) strike the drum closer to the center to produce a slower vibration and lower pitch, which sounds more resonant.
Does Size Affect pitch?
When the length of a string is changed, it will vibrate with a different frequency. Shorter strings have higher frequency and therefore higher pitch. The more fingers she adds to the string, the shorter she makes it, and the higher the pitch will be. Diameter is the thickness of the string.
Why does a snare drum sound higher than a bass drum?
Compared to the bass drum the snare drum’s resonance is very short, owing to its smaller dimensions. The drum’s small resonant chamber means that its pitch is relatively high, somewhere in the region of one octave above middle C. The hard drumsticks produce a particularly bright sound.
Is a kick drum the same as a bass drum?
Kick drums are also known as bass drums—but they’re distinct from the type of bass drums used in classical music ensembles. And while drummers strike kick drums with a bass drum pedal, they strike orchestral bass drums with handheld beaters—usually mallets but sometimes standard drumsticks.
Which drum will make the highest pitch?
Yes, smaller drums have a higher pitch. The smaller the diameter of a drum, the higher the pitch it produces. This implies that, even when we have two drums of the same shape and made of the same material, the smaller drum will have a higher pitch.