What is it called when you speak clearly?

What is it called when you speak clearly?

Synonyms for well-spoken. articulate, eloquent, fluent, silver-tongued.

What is a word for speaking clearly?

What is another word for speak clearly?

articulate express
declare enunciate
voice communicate
pronounce assert
tell talk

Why do we need to speak clearly?

It is very important that you speak clearly and articulate your ideas so people can understand without filler words as a distraction. Here are some tips to cut the extra word habit from your speaking: 1. Assess the situation by listening to yourself.

What’s another word for well said?

What is another word for well said?

well put well articulated
well expressed right on
preach on you took the words right out of my mouth
you tell them you tell ’em
that was spoken well

Is well spoken?

adjective (well spoken when postpositive) having a clear, articulate, and socially acceptable accent and way of speaking. spoken satisfactorily or pleasingly.

How do you say great work?

For a job well done

  1. Perfect!
  2. Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for.
  3. Wonderful, this is more than I expected.
  4. This is so great I don’t need to make any revisions to it at all.
  5. I appreciate your critical thinking around this project.
  6. Well doneā€”and ahead of deadline too!
  7. You are such a team player.

How do you express hard work?

#IOTW: Idioms about hard work

  1. Blood, sweat and tears. Meaning: a lot of effort and suffering.
  2. Fight tooth and nail. Meaning: to use a lot of effort to oppose someone or achieve something.
  3. Go the extra mile.
  4. Go into overdrive.
  5. Keep nose to grindstone.
  6. Make headway.
  7. Pull out all the stops.
  8. Sink your teeth into.

What do you call someone who works a lot?

workhorse. noun. someone who does a lot of hard or boring work.

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