
What is literature and life?

What is literature and life?

Literature is important in everyday life because it connects individuals with larger truths and ideas in a society. Literature creates a way for people to record their thoughts and experiences in a way that is accessible to others, through fictionalized accounts of the experience.

What is the connection between literature and life?

There is an intimate connection between literature and life. It is, in fact, life which is the subject matter of literature. Life provides the raw material on which literature imposes an artistic form. Literature, as we defined in the previous section, is the communication of the writer’s experience of life.

How literature helps you understand life?

Literature allows us to interpret our own life and emotions and find ways to relate to the story so we in turn can reflect. It is also a form of entertainment and allows people to use their imagination to visualize the story within their own mind.

Where did literature come from?

Literature, in the west, originated in the southern Mesopotamia region of Sumer (c. 3200) in the city of Uruk and flourished in Egypt, later in Greece (the written word having been imported there from the Phoenicians) and from there, to Rome.

Why is literature considered as the story of man?

Answer. Explanation: It serves as a reflection of reality, a product of art, and a window to an ideology. The characteristics, key events, and situations which compose the essentials of human existence, such as birth, growth, emotionality, aspiration, conflict, and mortality.

What do you know about world literature?

World literature is sometimes used to refer to the sum total of the world’s national literatures, but usually it refers to the circulation of works into the wider world beyond their country of origin.

Why should we study drama as a part of literature?

Here drama is viewed as a starting point for the study of a literary text, for illuminating key aspects of the text, and for extending meaning and making thematic connections.

What is the purpose of literature and drama?

Dramas serve the function of entertainment for the audience. While reading a story is powerful, watching the story be performed by actors adds a level of realism to the work. In the age of binge watching, many people enjoy spending leisure time watching dramas specifically in the forms of movies or television.

What is the important of drama?

Drama is an important tool for preparing students to live and work in a world that is increasingly TEAM-ORIENTATED rather than hierarchical. Drama also helps students develop TOLERANCE and EMPATHY. In order to play a role competently, an actor must be able to fully inhabit another’s soul.

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