What is meant by at least?

What is meant by at least?

You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used. …

Is it at least or atleast?

“At Least”: Which One Is Correct? The bottom line is that “atleast” is not a word. The correct version is “at least.” “At” is a preposition denoting a particular time, place, date, state of being, or condition.

Where do we use at least?

At least

  • There were at least twenty people there.
  • It’ll cost you £3,000 at the very least.
  • You could at least have phoned me to say you weren’t coming. I waited for ages.
  • She hasn’t got any children. At least, I don’t think she has.
  • It’s a shame it’s so cold but at least it isn’t raining.

What does at least 10 mean?

“At least 10” means anything greater than or equal to ten. “10 to 15” means anything greater than or equal to 10, but not greater than 15.

How do you explain at least?

You use at least to say that a number or amount is the smallest that is possible or likely and that the actual number or amount may be greater. The forms at the least and at the very least are also used. Aim to have at least half a pint of milk each day.

Which sign represents at least?

The notation a ≥ b or a ⩾ b means that a is greater than or equal to b (or, equivalently, at least b, or not less than b).

How do you use less than sign?

In an inequality, the less-than sign always “points” to the smaller number. Put another way, the “jaws” (the wider section of the symbol) always direct to the larger number.

What sign does at most mean?

When a number is at most, they are less than or equal, but not greater. If something is “at most” ten, then it is less than or equal to it. So the math symbolfor “at most” is simply : “x is at most 10” translates to x ≤ 10 . The symbol is <= i.e. less than or equal to.

What is the difference between at most and at least?

What is the difference between at least one head and at most one head in probability? At most one head means number of heads can be 0 or 1. At least one head means the number of head is greater than or equal to 1.

What is the meaning of at least and at most?

Nath. At least means the minimum. Atmost means the maximum.

What does at least mean in sets?

Suppose, if we say two dice are thrown and the probability to get at least 8 means, we should get a minimum value of 8. At least also means “less than or equal to”.

What does at least as many mean?

2. It means that the number of students in the “different” classroom was either equal to the number in the first classroom or greater than the number in the first classroom. It is saying that there were at least the same number of students. That’s to say, not less than that number. –

What does at least 2 hours before mean?

You can also use “at least” to talk about time: I try to get to the airport at least 2 hours before the flight leaves. This means that the speaker tries to arrive at the airport 2.5 or 3 hours before the flight leaves, but certainly no later than 2 hours before the flight.

What is the probability at least one?

To find the probability of at least one of something, calculate the probability of none and then subtract that result from 1. That is, P(at least one) = 1 – P(none).

What does at least 7 days Mean?

In the US, at least, day 7 would be a week later, on the same day of the week. It sounds like that is what you mean by counting the first day as day 0. not counted as a day.

What does 3 days before mean?

three days before means that it happened three days in advance of something or before something happened. Before three days would be used in a sentence like “I must wash the dishes before three days pass”.

What does within 15 days mean?

Unless otherwise provided by law or the agreement, within 15 days means 15 calendar days counting consecutively from the date of purchase. Therefore, if you bought something on December 19 and had to pay “within 15 days from the date of purchase,” then you should have paid up on December 30 or earlier.

Can you start a sentence with at least?

Generally, after a negative statement, “at least” is used to “look on the bright side” and mention a positive aspect of the situation. However, this is not what I am doing, so the sentence will read weirdly. We found a bug in the code. At the very least, it causes this negative effect, but it might cause others.

What can I say instead of at least?

Synonyms of at least

  • always,
  • anyhow,
  • anyway,
  • leastways.
  • [dialect],
  • leastwise.

What is the least used word?

Least Common English Words

  • abate: reduce or lesson.
  • abdicate: give up a position.
  • aberration: something unusual, different from the norm.
  • abhor: to really hate.
  • abstain: to refrain from doing something.
  • adversity: hardship, misfortune.
  • aesthetic: pertaining to beauty.
  • amicable: agreeable.

What is another word for least?

Synonyms & Antonyms of least

  • littlest,
  • lowest,
  • mere,
  • minimal,
  • slightest.

What is the opposite of at least?

What is the opposite of at least?

at maximum at most
up to at the most
no more than

What is another word for highest?

Synonyms & Antonyms of highest

  • loftiest,
  • top,
  • topmost,
  • upmost,
  • uppermost.

What is the opposite word of least?

Antonym of Least

Word Antonym
Least Most
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of simple?

Antonym of Simple Word. Antonym. Simple. Complex, Hard, Cunning, Complicated. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is opposite word?

noun. a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other. synonyms: antonym, opposite. see more. Antonyms: equivalent word, synonym.

What is the opposite of most?


  • most(adverb) Antonyms: fewest, least.
  • most(noun) Antonyms: least, fewest.
  • most(adverb) Superlative form of much. Antonyms: least, fewest.
  • most(adverb) This is a most unusual specimen. Antonyms: least, fewest.

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