What is meant by PSW?

What is meant by PSW?

The Program Status Word (PSW) contains status bits that reflect the current CPU state. The 8051 variants provide one special function register called PSW with this status information.

What does Program Status PSW mean?

The program status word (PSW) is a register that performs the function of a status register and program counter, and sometimes more. The term is also applied to a copy of the PSW in storage.

What is PSW and how do you store carry bit in data segment?

It is a 16-bit register, also called Program Status Word (PSW). Seven bits remain unused while the rest nine are used. Six are status flags and three are control flags. The control flags can be set/reset by the programmer.

How many bits is a PSW?


Can a byte be all zeros?

A byte is a group of 8 bits. A bit is the most basic unit and can be either 1 or 0. A byte is not just 8 values between 0 and 1, but 256 (28) different combinations (rather permutations) ranging from 00000000 via e.g. 01010101 to 11111111 . Thus, one byte can represent a decimal number between 0(00) and 255.

How do you know if a byte is zero?

To we show that if there are no zero bytes, we must show the expression returns 0. Let’s work backwards. Because of the mask , the expression returns 0 if there are no “high” bits set in any of the bytes of test . So we must show that no high bits in test are set.

What is a valid byte in binary?

A byte is 8 binary digits working together to represent a number that can take a value between 0 and 255 in the decimal system. The largest value of a byte is 11111111 = 1 + (1×2) + (1×4) + (1×8) + (1×16) + (1×32) + (1×64) + (1×128) which in decimal is 255.

Is 00000000 a valid byte?

When all bits have a value of 0, the byte is represented as 00000000. On the other hand, when all bits have a value of 1, the byte is represented as 11111111. Since this byte also holds a valid value, the number of combinations = 255 + 1 = 256.

How is stored in a register?

A processor register (CPU register) is one of a small set of data holding places that are part of the computer processor. A register may hold an instruction, a storage address, or any kind of data (such as a bit sequence or individual characters).

Where can I buy the cheapest RAM?

Aliexpress has a pretty cheap ram of all varieties….My suggestion then would be to check the usual suspects:

  • Newegg: Computer Parts, Laptops, Electronics, and More.
  • Pricewatch: Compare Prices.
  • OutletPC: OutletPC: Cheap Computer Parts.
  • Ram Online: RaM Online Computer Services, LLC.

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