What is more than one elk called?

What is more than one elk called?

The plural form of elk is elk or elks. Find more words!

What is the plural of moose?

The only correct plural of moose is moose. Sometimes, people add an S to moose, but that is incorrect. Moose derives from Algonquian, a Native American language. My favorite animals are mooses and octopuses.

What is the singular of elk?

elk ​Definitions and Synonyms

singular elk
plural elks or elk

What is a plural of deer?

deer. / (dɪə) / noun plural deer or deers. any ruminant artiodactyl mammal of the family Cervidae, including reindeer, elk, muntjacs, and roe deer, typically having antlers in the maleRelated adjective: cervine.

What is the plural of mouthful?

mouthful /ˈmaʊθˌfʊl/ noun. plural mouthfuls.

What is the plural of spoonful?

plural spoonfuls\ ˈspün-​ˌfu̇lz \ also spoonsful\ ˈspünz-​ˌfu̇l \

What is the plural of safe?

The plural of “safe” is “safes,” because “saves” means something else.

What is the plural of dispatch?

Filters. Plural form of dispatch. noun.

What is the plural of giraffe?

gi·​raffe | \ jə-ˈraf \ plural giraffes.

What is plural of ox?

plural oxen\ ˈäk-​sən \ also ox.

What is the plural of OLX?


What is the plural of woman?

usage note for woman Woman is the standard feminine parallel to man. As a modifier of a plural noun, woman, like man, is exceptional in that the plural form women is used: women athletes; women students.

What is the plural of house?

noun, often attributive. \ ˈhau̇s \ plural houses\ ˈhau̇-​zəz also -​səz \

What is the plural of church?

church /ˈtʃɚtʃ/ noun. plural churches.

What is the plural of Boy?

1 boy /ˈboɪ/ noun. plural boys. 1 boy. /ˈboɪ/ plural boys.

What is the plural of fish?


What is the plural of platypus?


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