What is Neuropathic Hydrocephalus?
Neuropathic Hydrocephalus (NH) is a lethal genetic condition caused by a recessive mutation that affects Angus and Angus-influenced cattle. Affected calves are born dead with an extremely large cranium with little or no brain material or spinal cord.
What is Curly Calf Syndrome?
Arthrogryposis Multiplex (AM), commonly known as Curly Calf syndrome, is a lethal genetic defect that was recently confirmed within the Angus breed. An AM-affected calf is born dead, appears thin, and most notably, has a bent or twisted spine (Figure 1).
What is NH Angus cattle?
NH is caused by a recessive mutation on a single cattle chromosome. Cattle that are homozygous for the mutated gene will exhibit NH. What is an NH carrier? For the purpose of this response, an NH carrier is an Angus or Angus-cross cow, heifer, bull or steer that carries the recessive NH mutation in their DNA.
How do you test for TH and PHA in cattle?
If your calf is 6 months of age or younger, you can send Bullnanza a blood sample to get test results to find out if your animal has TH / PHA or DS. If the animal is older than 6 months, a hair sample is sufficient to determine if your animal is a TH / PHA / DS carrier or is clean.
What does TH and PHA mean in cattle?
TH is a disorder of multiple congenital defects seen in calves. For the calf to be effected, it must have inherited the defective gene from both parents. There is a DNA test for TH, Carriers are listed on both the Shorthorn and Maine Anjou websites. PHA (pulmonary hypoplasia with anasarca).
What is cattle DSC?
Digital Subluxation (DS) is not a lethal condition from a genetic inheritance standpoint. Animals known as homozygotes are cattle that carry two copies of the undesirable gene. Carriers of the DS condition, known as DSC in the registry, also need to be handled differently when mating decisions are made.
What causes birth defects in cattle?
Congenital defects are abnormalities present at birth. They are abnormalities of structure or function that can result in calf losses before or after birth. These defects can be caused by genetics, the surrounding environment, or a combination of these two factors.
What is fawn calf syndrome?
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (CA), also known as “fawn calf” syndrome (FCS), is a heritable disease of newborn Angus and Angus-derived cattle caused by an error in the DNA genetic code transmitted from parents to their progeny. Calves with CA are visibly abnormal at birth (Fig. 1) but are usually born alive.
What is Beals Hecht syndrome?
Beals-Hecht syndrome, also known as congenital contractural arachnodactyly, is caused by a defect in fibrillin as in Marfan syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a multitude of clinical findings including arachnodactyly, narrow body habitus, scoliosis, congenital contractures, and external ear deformities.
What causes weak calf syndrome?
Factors that may cause weak calf syndrome are bad weather, selenium deficiency, poor nutrition during late gestation, dystocia, cow age, and other trauma to the calf. Weak calves must be treated or helped immediately after birth to improve their chances of survival.
What is weak calf syndrome?
Weak calf syndrome is a herd problem typically described as calves that are born alive, but lack normal vigor. There are multiple factors contributing to weak calf syndrome during gestation including suboptimal dam nutrition, mineral deficiencies, and infectious diseases.
What can I give a weak calf?
Even the highest-energy electrolyte products have a small amount of total energy, so he recommends colostrum or milk replacers to help treat weak calves.
How can I reduce my calf mortality?
10 steps to reducing calf mortality
- Feed cows according to condition score.
- Feed a good dry cow mineral.
- Vaccinate against scours.
- Vaccines available to protect calves against Rotavirus, Coronavirus and E. Coli.
- Implement hygiene plan.
- Construct enough calving pens.
- Know how to use your Jack.
- Ensure the calf suckles.
How do you treat acidosis in calves?
It is possible to treat acidotic calves with intravenous fluid therapy effectively, economically and according to their individual needs. The Harleco apparatus is a simple, useful, cost-effective adjunct to the diagnosis and treatment of this life-threatening condition.
What are the symptoms of acidosis in cattle?
Symptoms of acute acidosis include:
- Little or no feed intake.
- Little or no rumination.
- Increased heart rate.
- Increased breathing rate.
- Diarrhoea.
- Lethargy.
- Death.
- Survivors are likely to become “poor doers”
How much baking soda do I give my calf?
2-4 tablespoons
What does baking soda do for calves?
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is a strong base that will help neutralize the acid. The electrolytes will also do this but the calf’s body must convert more bicarbonate and the process takes longer. Follow up with your regular electrolytes after the initial bout of baking soda. Do this only on very acidotic calves.
What can I give a bloated calf?
Offering water to calves can help control bloat, as well as help growth rates. Be as consistent as possible in your milk or replacer feeding. We are seeing more cases of bloat in dairy calves. This is completely different than the typical bloat you may be accustomed to with cows.
Where do you stab a bloated calf?
It is important that you stab the animal on the LEFT-HAND-SIDE, as the rumen is located in the left side of the abdomen. The landmarks for the bloat stab are one handwidth down from the transverse processses of the spine and one handwidth behind the last rib.