What is one of the best known bronze sculpture pieces of the classical period?

What is one of the best known bronze sculpture pieces of the classical period?

Explanation: The Discus Thrower was made by sculptor Myron or Míron in 450 BC in ancient Greece.

What is the material used in Myron The discobolus?


What period of art they depict Myron The Discobulus?


Who is the artist of discus thrower?


Why is the discus thrower important?

discobolus) has become the iconic image of the Olympic Games, and a fantastic representation of the athletic ideal. His discus-thrower was admired not only for the way it conveys movement and action in a single pose, but also for capturing Greek ideals about proportion, harmony, rhythm and balance.

What is a discus thrower?

Discus throw, sport in athletics (track and field) in which a disk-shaped object, known as a discus, is thrown for distance. Discobolus (“Discus Thrower”), Roman marble copy of Greek bronze by Myron, c.

What is the longest discus throw ever?


Rank Mark Athlete
1 74.08 m (243 ft 1⁄2 in) Jürgen Schult ( GDR )
2 73.88 m (242 ft 4 1⁄2 in) Virgilijus Alekna ( LTU )
3 73.38 m (240 ft 8 3⁄4 in) Gerd Kanter ( EST )
4 71.86 m (235 ft 9 in) Yuriy Dumchev ( URS )

What are the basic skills in discus?

Technique of The Discus Throw

  • Grip. The technique for throwing discuses is very different from any other athletic throw.
  • Rotation. The rotation is the most important yet also the most difficult part of the discus throw.
  • Release. Once the rotation is complete, athletes need to properly release the disc.
  • Huddle Up.

How do you throw a discus step by step?

Stand with your left shoulder pointing at the target and your body facing the direction perpendicular to your shoulder (for right-handers). Keep your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly. Hold the discus to your front, with your throwing hand, palm down.

What is the best angle to throw a discus?

between 32-37 degrees

Why is 45 degrees the optimum angle?

A projectile, in other words, travels the farthest when it is launched at an angle of 45 degrees. That means that the best way to launch a high-altitude projectile is to send it flying at a 90-degree angle to the ground—straight up.

What muscles do you use when throwing a discus?

Your shoulders and triceps contract to lift and extend your throwing arm. Your forearm, wrist and hand muscles contract to hold and release the discus. Your back and bicep muscles contract as you bring the discus back, then stretch as you extend and release the discus.

What is the ideal trajectory for every throwing event?

Release Angle For most objects the optimal flight angle is 45 degrees. Do to the javelin’s aerodynamics and speed its release angle should be around 36-40 degrees.

When you throw a ball the trajectory it takes is a parabola?

Gravity acts only in the vertical direction. The resulting ball path is then a parabola. A ball projected vertically upwards at speed V will rise to a height H where the potential energy mgH is equal to the intial kinetic energy mV2 / 2.

What is the optimum angle to throw a shot put to achieve the maximum distance?


What are the 4 throwing events in track and field?

Track and Field competitions include four throwing events. They are the Shot Put, the Discus Throw, the Javelin Throw, and the Hammer Throw.

What are the 4 categories of jumping events?

Regular jumping events include long jump, triple jump, high jump and pole vault, while the most common throwing events are shot put, javelin, discus and hammer.

What is the sport called when you throw a heavy ball?

The hammer throw is one of the four throwing events in regular track and field competitions, along with the discus throw, shot put and javelin. The “hammer” used in this sport is not like any of the tools also called by that name. It consists of a metal ball attached by a steel wire to a grip.

Which is not a throwing event?

Unlike the other throwing events (shot put, discus, and hammer), the technique used to throw the javelin is dictated by IAAF rules and “non-orthodox” techniques are not permitted. The javelin must be held at its grip and thrown overhand, over the athlete’s shoulder or upper arm.

What are the six types of jumping events?

Types of Throwing & Jumping Events

  • Long Jump. The long jump requires jumpers to catapult forward as far as possible into a sand pit.
  • High Jump. High jumpers must clear a crossbar that is approximately 13 feet long.
  • Triple Jump.
  • Pole Vault.
  • Javelin.
  • Discus.
  • Shot Put.
  • Hammer Throw.

Which is the lightest equipment used in throwing event?


What event throws a spear?

Javelin throw

Who holds the javelin world record?

Jan Železný

Who is the best javelin thrower?

Filter Top Lists

Rank Mark Competitor
1 90.61 Magnus KIRT
2 90.03 Johannes VETTER
3 89.65 Andreas HOFMANN

Is javelin throwing dangerous?

The outside, or lateral, elbow shows compression and cartilage injuries with excessive throwing in children. In addition to throwing arm injuries, young javelin throwers may suffer a spine fracture, spondylolysis, due to the hyperextension of throwing or weight lifting.

Can a javelin kill you?

Occasional accidents occur in athletics disciplines such as the javelin and the hammer, but deaths are extremely rare. In 2007, French long jumper Salim Sdiri was speared by a javelin at an athletics meeting in Rome and had to be taken to hospital for his injuries.

Why is javelin illegal?

In 1956, South Carolina banned javelin from high school competition because it was “too dangerous for spectators,” reasoning that high school athlete Liam Christensen is currently attempting to disprove.

How far did Usain Bolt throw the javelin?

54 meters

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