What is one reason that sociologists cite to explain why men and women are delaying marriage until their mid-to-late twenties?

What is one reason that sociologists cite to explain why men and women are delaying marriage until their mid-to-late twenties?

Which is one reason that sociologist cite to explain why men and women are delaying marriage until their mid-to-late twenties? – Most men spend at least a year traveling the world to get a better understanding of the world, and consequently, don’t want to be tied down by a wife.

Why do sociologists find the study of family to be so important when trying to grasp the mores and norms of a culture group of answer choices?

Why do sociologists find the study of family to be so important when trying to grasp the mores and norms of a culture? Families provide for each other as well as carry out and teach a particular culture to other members of the family.

What are the basic elements of the functionalist perspective?

Functionalism addresses society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements, namely: norms, customs, traditions, and institutions. A common analogy, popularized by Herbert Spencer, presents these parts of society as “organs” that work toward the proper functioning of the “body” as a whole.

What is an example of functionalism in psychology?

For (an avowedly simplistic) example, a functionalist theory might characterize pain as a state that tends to be caused by bodily injury, to produce the belief that something is wrong with the body and the desire to be out of that state, to produce anxiety, and, in the absence of any stronger, conflicting desires, to …

How does functionalism affect education?

A functionalist will put an emphasis on positive aspects of schools such as socialisation: the learning of skills and attitudes in school. Education helps maintain society by socialising young people into values of achievement, competition and equality of opportunity.

What does Marxism say about family?

Marxists argue that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism – the family acts as a unit of consumption and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. It is also the institution through which the wealthy pass down their private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality.

What is the difference between functionalist and Marxist?

Differences. Marxists see society as having a material structure and emphasises economic determinism whereas functionalism sees society as based on shared culture and emphasises cultural determinism. Marxism is a conflict perspective whereas functionalism is based on consensus.

What similarities have functionalist and Marxist perspectives on education?

Similarities between Marxist and Functionalist Perspectives: Both see education serving the needs of the workplace. Both see education as being a powerful way to influence students, i.e social values and norms.

Which part of society did Marx see as dominates all other parts?

The bourgeoisie

What does Marxism say about society?

Marx argued that throughout history, society has transformed from feudal society into Capitalist society, which is based on two social classes, the ruling class (bourgeoisie) who own the means of production (factories, for example) and the working class (proletariat) who are exploited (taken advantage of) for their …

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