What is polluter pays principle environmental law?

What is polluter pays principle environmental law?

The Polluter Pays Principle imposes liability on a person who pollutes the environment to compensate for the damage caused and return the environment to its original state regardless of the intent.

Which of the following conference following principle highlighted polluter pays principle?

European Union. The polluter pays principle is set out in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and Directive 2004/35/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on environmental liability with regard to the prevention and remedying of environmental damage is based on this principle.

What is the main objective of polluter pays principle?

The Polluter-Pays Principle, as defined in paragraph 4 of the “Guiding Principles”, states that the polluter should bear the expenses of preventing and controlling pollution “to ensure that the environment is in an acceptable state”.

What is the main objective of polluter pays principle of OECD 1971?

The Polluter-Pays Principle, as defined in paragraph 4 of the ”Guiding Principles”, states that the polluter should bear the expenses of preventing and controlling pollution ”to ensure that the environment is in an acceptable state”.

Whats is a pollutant?

A pollutant is a substance or energy introduced into the environment that has undesired effects, or adversely affects the usefulness of a resource. However, the degradation products of some pollutants are themselves polluting such as the products DDE and DDD produced from the degradation of DDT.

Which of the following describes the polluter pays principle?

Which of the following describes the polluter-pays principle? None of these is correct. A polluter should bear the expense of carrying out pollution prevention and control measures. Preventive measures should be taken when an activity raises threats of harm to the environment.

Which of the following describes the polluter pays principle quizlet?

The polluter-pays principle states that: A polluter should bear the expense of carrying out pollution prevention and control measures.

Why the governments are adopting the polluter pays principle?

The “polluter pays” principle aims at ensuring that the costs of environmental control fall in the first place on the polluters, thereby ensuring that market forces take these costs into account and that resources would be allocated accordingly in production and consumption…

When was Polluter Pays Principle started?


What is a pollutant example?

Air Pollutants Examples are particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur oxide. Secondary air pollutants: Pollutants that are formed in the lower atmosphere by chemical reactions. The two examples are ozone and secondary organic aerosol (haze).

What are 2 main categories of pollutants?

The two types of air pollutants are primary pollutants, which enter the atmosphere directly, and secondary pollutants, which form from a chemical reaction.

What are the two types of pollutant?

Different types of pollutants include:

  • Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
  • Sulfur oxides (SOx)
  • Particulate matter (PM)
  • Ground level ozone (O3)
  • Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
  • Mercury (Hg)
  • Peroxyacyl nitrates (PANs)
  • and more.

What are sources of the major types of pollutants?

There are four main types of air pollution sources:

  • mobile sources – such as cars, buses, planes, trucks, and trains.
  • stationary sources – such as power plants, oil refineries, industrial facilities, and factories.
  • area sources – such as agricultural areas, cities, and wood burning fireplaces.

What are the sources of pollution Class 9?

Answer: These are industrial wastes, domestic waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Why are radioactive pollutants very dangerous ?

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