What is research capstone?
The Capstone Project is a two-semester process in which students pursue independent research on a question or problem of their choice, engage with the scholarly debates in the relevant disciplines, and – with the guidance of a faculty mentor – produce a substantial paper that reflects a deep understanding of the topic.
Is APs 13 good?
13 APs is a LOT. If you feel like you’re going to be able to handle it then by all means give it a shot but most students average around 8 or 9 throughout all of high school.
How many APS should I take for UCLA?
eight AP classes
Is 6 APS too much?
Yes, it’s too much. You could be that one person who can handle this schedule, but something has to give, and your Junior year needs to be REALLY strong in order to keep you competitive. AP Calc AB is solid for anything above a 3, but bear in mind that over 30% of students who took the test last year scored only a 1.
Is AP Chemistry hard?
Overall AP chem is pretty challenging for most high school students, and even more so for people who take it without taking honors or “regular” chem in high school the year before. Realize that it will be much more difficult if you haven’t had any exposure to chemistry yet.
What APs should I take?
If you are going for the most competitive colleges, you should take the toughest core courses available at your school—including AP English Literature and/or Language, Calculus or Statistics (or both!), US, World, or European History, and at least one of the sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics).
Does APs self study look good?
No, it doesn’t look as good. Self-studying APs isn’t really as helpful to college admissions as people here make it out to be. Colleges are much more concerned with your grades in AP classes since it gives them a better picture of a certain student.
What are the most impressive AP classes?
From his perspective, the most impressive AP courses are AB and BC Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Foreign Languages, and English Literature.
Is AP Physics 1 or 2 harder?
Going forward with this understanding, it stands to reason that most students taking both courses will find AP Physics 2 to be more difficult that AP Physics 1. The topics are generally more abstract and some of the most difficult topics to grasp are contained within Physics 2.