What is results and discussion in research?

What is results and discussion in research?

Writing your Dissertation: Results and Discussion. Writing the results and discussion as separate sections allows you to focus first on what results you obtained and set out clearly what happened in your experiments and/or investigations without worrying about their implications.

What is the difference between implications and recommendations in research?

In research, what is the difference between implication and recommendation? Answer: Research implications suggest how the findings may be important for policy, practice, theory, and subsequent research. Recommendations urge specific actions to be taken with regard to policy, practice, theory, or subsequent research.

How do you use implications?

Implication sentence examplesThe implication was as obvious as it was annoying. If the five ascetics to whom the words were addressed once admitted this implication, logic would drive them also to admit all that followed. But Dean’s denial of Cynthia’s implication appeared well founded given her reaction to the discovery of the body in Norfolk.

What is the meaning of the word implications?

1 : the fact or state of being involved in or connected to something. 2 : a possible future effect or result Consider the implications of your actions. 3 : something that is suggested Your implication is unfair.

Is impact and implications the same?

Impact refers to a major influence or impact whereas implication refers to consequences that are likely to happen. The key difference between impact and implication is that, implications are not obvious or clear whereas impact is always direct and obvious.

What does intuition mean?

1a : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference. b : immediate apprehension or cognition. c : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition.

What are examples of intuition?

The definition of intuition is an immediate understanding or knowing something without reasoning. An example of intuition is love at first sight. The faculty of knowing or understanding something without reasoning or proof. The ability to perceive or know things without conscious reasoning.

What are the signs of intuition?

10 Signs You’re An Intuitive & Don’t Know ItYou pick up on everyone’s emotions. You have vivid dreams. You’re very discerning. Thoughts drop into your mind from nowhere. You get messages from all around. Psychics hunt you down. You’re suffering from a chronic illness that doctors can’t cure. You’re prone to addiction.

Can your intuition be wrong?

The answer to this question is yes and no. Your purest intuitions are always right but those tinged by your own thoughts and emotions may only be partially correct or even completely wrong. With practice, you can learn to assess your intuitive experiences and identify when they are more likely to be right.

How do you know if it’s your intuition or overthinking?

Intuition is usually less of a verbal thinking action, and more a deep sense or vibe that you feel inside you. Overthinking is less deep and occurs more in your head – often as an incessant chatter. Sometimes one can lead to the other, for example, if you ignore a gut feeling, it might turn into overthinking.

Why is intuition bad?

Because intuition operates on a gut level, its judgment is compelling. People develop heuristics–mindsets to view the world–using this system. And that’s where we can get into trouble. “Intuition leads us astray because it’s not very good at picking up flaws in the evidence,” Gilovich says.

Are gut feelings usually right?

That specific emotion, innate to us as humans, is intuition. We possess the capacity to feel, and thereby the ability to know things without consciously reasoning. The “gut feeling” is real, and we use it all the time. “Going with our gut,” however, implies uncertainty and does not guarantee a good outcome.

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