
What is smp1?

What is smp1?

Making sense of problems and persevering in solving them (SMP 1) is a critical skill. This is one of the SMPs that should be present in the majority of lessons and activities found in the instructional materials.

What does it mean to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them?

Standards for Mathematical Practice » Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. They consider analogous problems, and try special cases and simpler forms of the original problem in order to gain insight into its solution. They monitor and evaluate their progress and change course if necessary.

What does it mean to use appropriate tools strategically?

Standards for Mathematical Practice » Use appropriate tools strategically. Mathematically proficient students at various grade levels are able to identify relevant external mathematical resources, such as digital content located on a website, and use them to pose or solve problems.

What are the levels of math in order?

The typical order of math classes in high school is:

  • Algebra 1.
  • Geometry.
  • Algebra 2/Trigonometry.
  • Pre-Calculus.
  • Calculus.

What is the example of standard?

The definition of a standard is something established as a rule, example or basis of comparison. An example of standard is a guideline governing what students must learn in the 7th grade. An example of standard is a piece of music that continues to be played throughout the years. Normal, familiar, or usual.

How do you create a standard?

The 7 Steps of the Standards Development Process

  1. Identify. First, identify a need.
  2. Committee. Standards are created or reviewed by experts in the relevant field.
  3. Study. The technical committee conducts preliminary research and creates a draft outline of the new or revised standard.
  4. Consensus.
  5. Public Review.
  6. Approve.
  7. Publish.

What is performance standard in lesson plan?

Performance Standards are concrete statements of how well students must learn what is set out in the content standards, often called the “be able to do” of “what students should know and be able to do” Performance standards specify “how good is good enough.” They are the indicators of quality that specify how adept or …

What is the meaning of performance standard?

A performance standard is a management-approved expression of the performance threshold(s), requirement(s), or expectation(s) that must be met to be appraised at a particular level of performance.

What is the importance of performance standard?

What are the benefits of performance standards? Provide a means for employers to measure job performance and productivity for each skill. Present employees with specific performance expectations for each skill. Ensure a fair evaluation of all employees doing the same job tasks.

What is performance standard in curriculum guide?

Performance Standard: • Defines level of work that demonstrates achievement of standard. • Provides clear expectations for instruction, assessment,& student at work. • Helps teachers assessed the extent to which the students have acquired the knowledge and applied the skills learned.

What is the difference between content and skills?

First a few definitions. Skill subjects are those areas in which our children need to develop a set of skills to learn anything at all. They are fundamental to learning any subject. Content subjects are those areas in which we use the skills we have developed early in life to learn any subject throughout our life.

What are examples of performance standards?

Example of Performance Standards that Sound Good

  • you quickly address performance issues.
  • you keep diary note records of your performance conversations.
  • all employees who do not meet expectations 2 months in a row have a documented performance improvement plan in place.

How is performance standard related to content standard?

Broad statements that describe specific content areas that groups of students should learn at each grade level are called Content Standards. They define the knowledge within each discipline. Expectations for instruction, assessment, and student work are called Performance Standards.

What is content standard in daily lesson log?

Elements of Daily Lesson Log (DLL) I. Objectives: It state what the teacher intends to teach as a guide for instruction and assessment. A. Content Standard refers to the learning area- based facts, concepts, and procedures that students need to learn.

What is culminating performance standard?

The culminating activity or product for performance-based learning is one that lets a student demonstrate evidence of understanding through a transfer of skills. Also, there are learning standards in each discipline that set academic expectations and define what is proficient in meeting that standard.

What is math content standard?

Content standards are the actual skills that teachers aim to impart to their students. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) divides K-12 mathematics educational standards into five categories, which evolve throughout elementary, middle, and high school. …

What are the 5 NCTM content standards?

The five Content Standards each encompass specific expectations, organized by grade bands:

  • Number & Operations.
  • Algebra.
  • Geometry.
  • Measurement.
  • Data Analysis & Probability.

What are the five main content areas for mathematics?

Mathematics Content Areas

  • Number Properties and Operations.
  • Measurement.
  • Geometry.
  • Data Analysis and Probability.
  • Algebra.

What is the hardest branch of math?

Based on what I read from the history of Math, most ppl voted that number theory is indeed the hardest field. There is an old saying, “if a problem can’t be solved in 100 yrs, then it is probaly a problem from number theory…. “

Category: Uncategorized

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