
What is the analogy between the perfectly just city that Socrates describes and the soul of a just person?

What is the analogy between the perfectly just city that Socrates describes and the soul of a just person?

The Analogy of the City and the Soul The analogy of the city and the soul, is Socrates proposed and accepted method by which to argue that the just person is better off than the unjust person (Book II, 368c-369a).

What is glaucon’s challenge to Socrates?

In Book II, Glaucon challenges Socrates to show him that justice is a good in itself, that it allows one to be happy in private, and is more beneficial than doing injustice whether one has the reputation for justice or not, even among the gods.

What is the ring of Gyges story supposed to prove?

The story of The Ring of Gyges tells us that if we had this sort of power no one would be able to be trusted and therefore, it shows us that justice is always self-interested and thus really not justice but a form of injustice.27 មិថុនា 2017

What is glaucon’s argument?

Abstract: Glaucon argues that all persons are egoistic and selfish; the only reason people do not always do the unjust thing is the fear of being caught and harmed.

What does glaucon say about morality?

We necessarily regard as bad being injured by another. The definition of morality Glaucon is using is important: Morality is a (potential or actual) agreement neither to injure nor to be injured. In fact such an agreement is generally in force (in his own time).8 កញ្ញា 2006

What would an ethical egoist say about a situation in which self interest and morality conflict?

What would an ethical egoist say about a situation in which self-interest and morality conflict? One should do what morality demands. One should sometimes do what morality requires and sometimes pursue self-interest.

How does Plato answer the question why be moral?

In the history of Western philosophy, many attempts have been made to provide a satisfactory answer to the question of why be moral. In response, Plato argues that it pays to be moral or just. This response starts with a definition of justice in a person, which is based on his analogy with justice in a state.

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