What is the answer to the riddle you walk into a bedroom?

What is the answer to the riddle you walk into a bedroom?

So to conclude, the answer is six legs. Four legs of the bed and two of the man who walks into the room. Arguably, depending on the bed type, on several occasion, the answer can be two legs as well.

What is the answer to the riddle you enter a bedroom there are 34 people you kill 30 how many are in the bedroom?

Therefore, the answer to the riddle is 042. The answer for the riddle: “You enter a bedroom. There are 34 people. You kill 30.

What is the answer to the riddle what to open first?

The trick comes with how the end of the riddle is phrased. “To answer, what will you open first?” In my opinion as well, you are correct that the answer to the actual riddle is your eyes. However, in order to provide that answer following the instructions given, the first thing you have to open is Messenger.

What is the answer to the riddle it belongs to you but your friends use it more?

Explanation: The answer to this belongs to You But everyone else uses it Riddle is Your Name. Now when you look at it people your name belongs to you but everyone else uses your name.

What has hands and a face but can’t smile?

The answer to What has hands and a face, but can’t hold anything or smile Riddle is “Clock”./span>

What has many teeth but can’t bite?

What has teeth but can’t bite? A comb. Other inanimate objects with teeth like a saw, zipper or a gear can “bite” you.

What are 4 things that have an eye but Cannot see?

Some things have eyes but cannot see. Potatoes, needles and some types of storms are all things that have eyes but can’t see.

What has a lot of eyes but can’t see riddle?

The answer to the “what has an eye but cannot see” riddle is a needle./span>

What question can you never say yes to?

Question: What is the only question you can’t answer yes to? Answer: Are you dead? (assuming you are dead) Every other question you can answer ‘yes’ even if you are wrong.

What has the neck but no head?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”. There you have it! We mentioned that it can be more than one thing as the correct answer could also be a sweater etc./span>

What kind of dog that never bites?

The three other dogs that have been noted for their lack of biting are Chihuahuas, poodles, and Scottish terriers. While Chihuahuas are known for their aggression and their inability to get along well with children, this small breed of dog is not known for inflicting any sort of serious dog bite wound.

What gets bigger when you take away?

The answer to this riddle is just one word. The correct answer is ‘HOLE’. A hole in any kind of substance, may it be cloth, wall, wood or anything else, will only get bigger and bigger if you keep taking away more from it./span>

What is always in front but can’t be seen?

Answer: A drop of water.

What is it that breaks every time you name it?

Answer. HEYA MATE HERE U GO. ⭐. silence ./span>

What has to be broken before you can use it?

An egg has to be broken before you can use it. You know what they say, after all, you can’t go making an omelette without breaking some eggs./span>

What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to?

Explanation: An echo is a natural phenomenon when sound reflects back to the listener with a delay after the actual sound time. So it is only a reply and can not initiate sound production first. This proves that it can’t talk but will reply./span>

What is the end of everything?

Riddle: What is the end of everything? Answer: The letter “g”./span>

What is at the end of the world riddle?

Riddle: Why can’t the world ever come to an end? Answer: Because it’s round.

What is the end of Rainbow?

If you say that something is at the end of the rainbow, you mean that people want it but it is almost impossible to obtain or achieve.

What is the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning?

Question: I am the beginning of the end, the end of every place. I am the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space. What am I? Answer: The Letter E.

What has a beginning but no end riddle?


What does end of beginning mean?

The phrasing indicates that the beginning, or the end, of something is not a point in time, but an event that unfolded over time. The implication of “the end of the beginning” is that “even though this has been going on for some time, we still have a long way to go.”

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