What is the Bergeron process in simple terms?

What is the Bergeron process in simple terms?

The process by which precipitation is initiated in a mixed cloud with a temperature below freezing. Because the equilibrium vapour pressure of water vapour with respect to ice is less than that with respect to liquid water, ice crystals grow at the expense of supercooled water droplets.

What are the steps in the Bergeron process?

The Bergeron process can be summarized as such: The air reaches saturation and some of the resulting droplets will come in contact with freezing nuclei (assuming they have reached the activation temperature). We will now have a combination of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets.

Which chemical is used in cloud seeding?

Silver iodide

What process explains the formation of raindrops in warm clouds?

raindrops form as the result of repeated collisions between cloud droplets. In warm clouds, droplets can grow and form precipitation by condensation in a supersaturated environment and by colliding and coalescing with other cloud droplets. Coalescence. When droplets stick together after colliding.

What property of water is responsible for the formation of raindrops?

Raindrops start to form in a roughly spherical structure due to the surface tension of water. This surface tension is the “skin” of a body of water that makes the molecules stick together. The cause is the weak hydrogen bonds that occur between water molecules.

Which states can flow and why?

Liquid and gas states of matter can flow. The particles are further apart for both, which allows them space to move around easily.

Why does oil form droplets in water?

It turns out that this surface tension is the result of the tendency of water molecules to attract one another (called cohesion). When cohesion is more of a factor, the water forms spherical droplets; when adhesion is more of a factor, we get sheets of water.

Why do water droplets join together?

Water is sticky and clumps together into drops because of its cohesive properties, but chemistry and electricity are involved at a more detailed level to make this possible. Opposite magnetic poles attract one another much like positively charged atoms attract negatively charged atoms in water molecules.

What is it called when water droplets merge together?

As others have said, the simple answer is “surface tension”.

Why is salt water less cohesive?

Salt water have less cohesion than distilled water. This is because most of the atoms are already bonded to each other so there are less atoms to be able to let cohesion occur.

When the wax paper was tilted What did the big drop of water do?

Waxed paper pushes water away and does not absorb it. The surface tension of the water pulls it into a little round blob; these blobs, or drops, can slide around waxed paper because the paper does not absorb it. Water “prefers” to stick to itself (adhesion) more than it sticks to other substances (cohesion).

Does water hold well together?

Students should realize that water holds together pretty well because the water molecules are attracted to each other. Imagine a drop of water hanging from your finger. This can also be explained by the fact that water molecules are very attracted to each other.

What happened to the drop of water when you touch it with toothpick?

Why does it work? Water molecules have a strong attraction for each other. This force is strong enough to make the water move towards the water on the toothpick. But when you dip the toothpick into dish soap, the water water is repelled, not attracted, so the water bubble bursts as it tries to move away.

Does wax paper adhesive in water?

Water (Polar) has no adhesion to the wax (nonpolar) paper. It would roll right off.

Why does water hold its shape on wax paper?

The wax on the wax paper is what helps the water drop hold its shape because the wax is a hydrophobic surface. If the water was on notebook paper, the drop would just absorb into the paper instead of sitting on top of it.

Does water have more surface tension on glass or wax paper?

Water does not wet waxed surfaces because the cohesive forces within the drops are stronger than the adhesive forces between the drops and the wax. Water wets glass and spreads out on it because the adhesive forces between the liquid and the glass are stronger than the cohesive forces within the water.

Does a drop of water have a different shape on glass compared to wax paper?

On a wax paper, the shape of the drop was spherical and had stuck on the wax paper. There are more hydrogen bonds, making the water droplet stick to the wax paper. Whereas, it is the opposite, when water droplet spreads when dropped to a glass. This is because the adhesive force between the water.

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