What is the best common app prompt?

What is the best common app prompt?

Tackling the Common App Essay Prompts

  • Prompt #1: Share your story.
  • Prompt #2: Learning from obstacles.
  • Prompt #3: Challenging a belief.
  • Prompt #4: Solving a problem.
  • Prompt #5: Personal growth.
  • Prompt #6: What captivates you?
  • Prompt #7: Topic of your choice.
  • Describe a person you admire.

Can you say my in an essay?

You can use first-person pronouns in your essays, but you probably shouldn’t. My sense is that teachers usually tell their students to avoid “I” or “me” (or “we,” “us,” “my,” and “our”) because these pronouns are often used poorly.

Is it okay to use us in an essay?

Do not use first-person pronouns (“I,” “me,” “my,” “we,” “us,” etc.). Using these expressions in analytical and persuasive essays can make the writing wordy, can make the writer seem less confident of his or her ideas, and can give the essay an informal tone.

How do you not use the word I in an essay?

Use the third person point of view. Never use “I,” “my,” or otherwise refer to yourself in formal academic writing. You should also avoid using the second-person point of view, such as by referring to the reader as “you.” Instead, write directly about your subject matter in the third person.

Can I use slash in an essay?

It’s OK to Use the Slash As long as you’re not writing a formal academic paper or business document, you can feel free to employ a forward slash from time to time.

What can I use instead of a slash?

The backslash is used only for computer coding. The forward slash, often simply referred to as a slash, is a punctuation mark used in English. The only time it is appropriate to use a comma after a slash is when demonstrating breaks between lines of poetry, songs, or plays.

Is there a space after three dots?

An ellipsis is a set of three periods ( . . . ) indicating an omission. Each period should have a single space on either side, except when adjacent to a quotation mark, in which case there should be no space.

Is slash a TM?

Not a TM, TR, HM, or Move Tutor move.

Is Slash good for Charizard?

Since Charizard had to wait until Pokemon Yellow to learn the HM Fly, it is best to give it a third attacking option in the form of Slash. This will help it take out opponents that may resist a Fire-type or Ground-type attack. Slash deals decent damage and has an incredible critical hit ratio.

Is bite a good move?

It is super effective vs Dragonite, which is one of the relevant top-tier pokemon. Meanwhile, Bite is super effective against ghost and psychic types, none of which are even close to meaningful. TL;DR – The only relevant pokemon that the moves perform differently against is Dragonite.

Is air slash a priority move?

Air Slash (Japanese: エアスラッシュ Air Slash) is a damage-dealing Flying-type move introduced in Generation IV….Air Slash (move)

Type Flying
Accuracy 95%
Priority {{{priority}}}

Can zapdos learn air slash?

Sewaddle can learn Air Slash, but Zapdos can’t.

Is air cutter a special attack?

Quite an appealing move….Air Cutter (move)

Type Flying
Category Special
PP 25 (max. 40)
Power 60
Accuracy 95%

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