
What is the best revision technique?

What is the best revision technique?

17 Essential Revision Tips

  1. Start revising early.
  2. Plan your revision using a timetable.
  3. Don’t spend ages making your notes look pretty.
  4. Set up a nice, tidy study space.
  5. Vary your revision with different activities.
  6. Stick revision notes all around your house.
  7. Sleep on your exam notes (optional)
  8. Do lots of practice papers and questions.

What are the revision strategies?


  • STEP ONE: THE BIG PICTURE. Look at the first draft in terms of larger, abstract qualities:
  • STEP TWO: FOCUS ON DEVELOPMENT. does the main idea of the paper have enough supporting material?

What are the two levels of revision?

But to help us talk about revision, we’re going to distinguish three levels:

  • Reseeing or rethinking: changing what a piece says, or its “bones”
  • Reworking or reshaping: changing how a piece says it, or changing its.
  • Copyediting or proofreading for mechanics and usage: checking for devia-
  • Andrea Wanw,

What does effective revision mean?

Revising effectively means much more than simply trying to memorise information to regurgitate in the exam: it involves practise in recalling information in a flexible and ‘useable’ way; it involves practise in understanding and answering exam questions in an appropriate manner; it involves practise in assessing the …

What are the element of effective revision?

General revision requires attention to content, organization, style, and readability. These four main categories should give you a template from which to begin to explore details in depth. A cursory review of these elements in and of itself is insufficient for even the briefest review.

What are some elements of effective revision?

Week 8: Elements of Revision

  • What’s extraneous to the story you are telling, no matter how much you love it? Cut.
  • What’s missing? Make a list.
  • What doesn’t make sense, needs deepening or grounding or motivation or connecting to the rest of the story? Make a second list.
  • Other Questions to Ask Yourself:

What are the elements of effective revision in language arts?

Their revision checklist includes items such as:

  • The topic is narrow and manageable.
  • The details support the idea.
  • The order of details makes sense.
  • The writing has an interesting beginning and ending.

How do you do revision lessons?

Here are some ideas:

  1. Start your revision early.
  2. Make a revision timetable.
  3. Know what will be on each test.
  4. Know where your knowledge gaps are, so you can fill them.
  5. Turn notes into charts or diagrams.
  6. Discuss material with others and quiz each other.

What is a revision clock?

A revision clock is similar to a mind map as it breaks down the content in to manageable chunks. It also gets you to personalise the revision flash cards to make them more visual and memorable.

Is reading a good revision technique?

It’s fine to start off your revision process with a bit of re-reading – it’s a nice way to re-familiarise yourself with your courses. The danger is spending too long re-reading – and highlighting, underlining, taking notes and summarising isn’t much better (here’s the proof if you’re feeling really nerdy).

How do you make an effective revision timetable?

  1. Try and fit your revision around your daily life. First things first, decide what you’d think is best to use for your timetable.
  2. Fill in your daily life and school timetable.
  3. Enter your exam subjects.
  4. Colour code your subjects for a clear overview.
  5. Start revising and try to stick to your plan.

How much revision should a Year 11 do?

GCSE students (year 10 or 11) = 1.5 hours per subject per week. E.g. if they’re studying 10 subjects this will be 15 hours per week. A Level students (years 12 and 13) = 4-6 hours per subject per week.

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