What is the biggest pike ever caught in the world?

What is the biggest pike ever caught in the world?

Czech Lukas Matejka’s catch is considered by many anglers – but not all – to now be the World record pike. He caught the 133 cm-long predator, which weighed 26.7 kg (58 lb 14 oz), from a water in the Czech Republic.

How long was the world record pike?

The pike measured 143 cm and weighed 43 pounds (19,504 kg). This January the International Game and Fish Association approved the world record with Tippet M-10 kg (20 lb) line class. Talk about a fish of a lifetime, we were able to catch up with Paolo to learn more about the fish.

How big can a northern pike get?

Reaching a maximum size of nearly six feet and just under 60 pounds, these fish are the top predator in the lakes and ponds where they dwell. While a few reports have implicated Northern pike in attacks on swimmers, these fish really pose no danger to humans (unless you get your fingers caught in their mouths).

How old is a 6 inch crappie?

According to some information recently compiled by officials with the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, a six-inch black crappie that weighs 0.1 pounds will be, on average, 2.1 years old.

How old is a 17 inch white crappie?

Ballparking fish in the northern half of the U.S., not considering productivity and all the other variables, Black crappie at 9″ would probably be around 5 years old, at 17″ 12-15 years old. Same circumstances for a white crappie, probably 3 years old for the 9″er, 11-13 years old for the 17″.

How long is a good size crappie?

Now I tend to keep them between 10” and 12″. In PA, a 12 inch crappie is usually about 8 years old but a 14+” fish is nearly 20 years old. A 10-12 inch fish makes a good fillet but it takes far less time to replace that fish.

What size crappie is best?

Average fish there run in the 10-11″ range(and very thick) in those places, with fair #s of bigger ones in the 12″-13″ range too. 10-12″ is generally the size I will keep to eat, and usually no more then a dozen or so, that is plenty.

How much would a 17 inch crappie weigh?


Length Black Crappie
17″ 3 lb. 4 oz.
17.5″ 3 lb. 9 oz.
18″ 3 lb. 14 oz.

What is best bait for crappie?

Minnows, worms, insects—just about anything can catch a crappie’s attention. You don’t have to worry about the color of the bait, and you’re only throwing them what they would be eating anyway. Minnows are hands-down the favorite used by most, and some even tip a jig with a live minnow for a double-whammy.

How much does a 16 inch black crappie weight?

Black Crappie
6 in 0.11 lb
16 in 2.83 lb
17 in 3.47 lb
18 in 4.20 lb

What time of year is best for crappie fishing?

The best time of day for crappie fishing is just after sunrise as well as an hour before sunset during warmer months. Nighttime can also produce good crappie fishing during warmer months. During colder months, midday, when the air temperature is warmest, seems to work best for both black and white crappie.

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