What is the climax in Fever 1793?

What is the climax in Fever 1793?

The Climax of the story is when the Grandfather dies. At that point she had decided what she was going to do. Her grandfather’s death was the point where Mattie had to grow up and take responsibility for herself and others.

Who is Silas in fever?

Fever 1793 – Character Identification

Silas Mattie’s cat
William Farnsworth Cook Grandfather
Nathaniel Benson painter’s assistant
Pernilla Ogilvie pompous, rich woman

Who is Dr Rowley in Fever 1793?

Mr. Rowley is the first medical professional (though he’s not actually a doctor) that treats Matilda’s mother. He disputes Dr. Benjamin Rush’s assertion that yellow fever is spreading (9.27-9.28).

The Climax of the story is when the Grandfather dies. At that point she had decided what she was going to do. Her life from before is gone, she wanders the streets of Philadelphia. When she finds Nell, she finds a purpose in life.

What did the clerk want to do with Mattie?

What did the clerk want to do with Mattie? He wanted to send Mattie to the orphan house.

How do the Ogilvie daughters treat Matilda?

How do the Ogilvie daughters regard Matilda? They stick their tongues out at her, prevent her from eating, and insult her. They insult her at first but then invite her to come back again after they got to know her.

Who is Eliza in Fever 1793?

Eliza is free a black woman who works at Matilda’s family’s coffeehouse. She’s an excellent cook, and one of Matilda’s best friends. Eliza lost her husband many years ago, though she is still close with her brother Joseph and his twin sons, Robert and William.

Who is the antagonist in Fever 1793?

the yellow fever epidemic

How does Mattie change in Fever 1793?

She grows more independent as she survives on her own, taking in an orphan, Nell, and assisting Eliza with relief work. After the epidemic, Mattie reopens the coffeehouse, taking on Eliza as her partner.

What is the central idea of Fever 1793?

The central theme of Fever 1793 is the nature and human survival against a large-scale disaster.

What does Matilda look like in Fever 1793?

There is very little physical description of Matilda (Mattie) Cook, but it is mentioned that she has brown eyes. She is said to have changed from a soft, young girl (page 43)—a typical teenager—to looking more like her mother by the end of the story.

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