What is the consequence of a teenager that is drinking and driving?

What is the consequence of a teenager that is drinking and driving?

Almost every DUI citation results in fines, the loss of a driver’s license, lengthy probation and mandatory alcohol education. And although it is rare, some teens have even been given jail time after their very first drunk driving offense.

What are negative effects of drinking alcohol?

Long-Term Health Risks. Over time, excessive alcohol use can lead to the development of chronic diseases and other serious problems including: High blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease, and digestive problems. Cancer of the breast, mouth, throat, esophagus, voice box, liver, colon, and rectum.

How do car accidents affect the economy?

The cost of road crashes varies in different economies. According to the WHO, crashes amount to approximately 1 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP); in middle-income countries the cost is 1.5 percent of the GDP; and in high-income countries the cost is 2 percent of the GDP.

Which driver error causes the biggest problem?

Distracted driving is the number one cause of driver errors. Distracted driving means that a driver’s attention is taken off the road leaving them vulnerable to driving errors. The most common driving distractions include: Texting/ talking on the phone while driving.

What are the consequences of road accidents?

The social consequences of road traffic accidents include loss of productivity of the victims, the cost of the legal system, the cost of pain and suffering and loss of quality of life of the victim and their family. The loss of productivity represents a significant proportion of the total social costs [5].

What percentage of accidents are avoidable?

Myth #1 – Accidents just happen – Research shows that over 99 percent of all accidents are preventable.

Can accidents be prevented How?

Accidents are preventable, but steps must be taken to prevent them. Accidents will continue to happen if preventative measures are not taken. Accident prevention can be achieved by commitment and cooperation between management, safety programs, safety culture and accountability.

How can we prevent road accidents?


  1. Drive in the prescribed speed limits on the various roads.
  2. Always put on helmets, seat belts and other safety equipments before driving a bicycle/ motor cycle/vehicle.
  3. Do not drink and drive.
  4. Never use mobile phones or ear phones while driving.

Can all accidents be preventable?

They do happen, but the vast majority of injuries, in the workplace and elsewhere, are completely preventable. If everyone at your organization is determined to prevent workplace injuries and they believe they are 100% preventable, the odds are much better that injuries will not occur. Yes, we all make mistakes.

Are most injuries preventable?

The top three leading causes of preventable injury-related death – poisoning, falls, and motor vehicle – account for over 83% of all preventable deaths. No other preventable cause of death—including suffocation, drowning, fire and burns, and natural or environmental disasters—accounts for more than 5% of the total.

What are too many accidents caused by?

Distracted driving is the most common cause of road accidents in the United States, resulting in more crashes every year than speeding, drunk driving, and other major accident causes. Distracted driving is not only the leading cause of car accidents, but it is also true for trucks.

Who are victims of accidents?

Accident victims in road traffic are all those injured or killed as a result of accidents in road traffic (including passengers).

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