What is the context of The Kite Runner?

What is the context of The Kite Runner?

Politics. Major political events in Afghanistan provide the backdrop for The Kite Runner. The novel spans the time from the early 1970s to about 2002. The Afghanistan Khaled Hosseini describes at the beginning of the novel is a stable and prosperous country.

What culture is Amir in The Kite Runner?

The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, follows the maturation of Amir, a male from Afghanistan who needs to find his way in the world as he realizes that his own belief system is not that of his dominant culture.

What is a kite runner in Afghan culture?

Kite running is the practice of running after drifting kites in the sky that have been cut loose in kite fighting. Typically the custom is that the person who captures a cut kite can keep it, so the bigger and more expensive looking the kite, the more people can usually be seen running after it to try to capture it.

How does Amir achieve redemption?

Redemption at Last Amir decides to rescue Sohrab from the orphanage and ends up fighting Assef for him. He also finds out that Hassan and his wife were killed, leaving their son Sohrab in an orphanage. Amir could finally redeem himself if he takes the risk of traveling to Kabul to rescue his nephew, Sohrab.

Why did Baba betray Ali?

Baba sleeps with Ali’s wife, Sanaubar and she becomes pregnant. In this case, Baba betrays Ali, a man who has been his closest confidant for forty years. Furthermore, Baba makes Ali raise Hassan as a poor Hazara boy. Baba also betrays Amir because he keeps it a secret from him.

How does Baba try to redeem himself?

Although Baba never told Amir, Ali, or Hassan of his affair, and took the anger of his guilt out on his loved ones, Baba was able to find redemption. He forgave himself by helping those in need, and later improving his relations with Amir.

Why did Ali and Hassan leave?

Why do Ali and Hassan leave? Ali and Hassan leave because now Ali knew what Assef done to Hassan and how Amir didn’t help him. He knew Amir set Hassan up and also because he knew that living there was becoming tough with changes in society.

Does Assef kill Hassan?

Assef comes over and shows Amir a picture of Adolf Hitler as a present. Decades later, Assef joins the Taliban and is responsible for numerous deaths that had happened in the region as a result of the Taliban’s conquest. After Hassan is killed by the Taliban, Assef kidnaps his son, Sohrab, and keeps him as a sex slave.

What truth did Rahim finally tell Amir at the end of Chapter 17?

Rahim Khan tells Amir that this is not about money and tells Amir of a conversation that he had had with Baba about Amir’s not being willing or able to stand up for himself. Rahim Khan also tells Amir that Baba was Hassan’s biological father.

What secret is revealed at the end of Chapter 17?

What secret is revealed at the end of Chapter 17? Ali was sterile; Baba was Hassan’s father. This brings new understanding to Baba’s treatment of Hassan.

What finally happens to Hassan?

The Taliban had gone to Baba’s house and found Hassan and his family there. Hassan said he was taking care of the house for a friend, and they called him a liar like all Hazaras. They made him kneel in the street and shot him in the head.

Is Hassan Amir’s brother?

Hassan was actually the son of Sanaubar and Baba, making him Amir’s half brother. Finally, Khan tells Amir that the reason he has called Amir to Pakistan is to ask him to rescue Hassan’s son, Sohrab, from an orphanage in Kabul.

How did Hassan lose his mother?

Sanaubar was toothless and had suffered numerous stab wounds to the face. Rahim Khan tells Amir that she looked grotesque and had a severe gash over one of her eyes. After telling Hassan that she was his mother, he initially ran away. Sanaubar would return to Baba’s house long after he and Amir had left for America.

What is the world’s largest mosque that Sohrab visits?

Summary and Analysis Chapter 24. When they arrive in Islamabad, the mosque — reputedly the largest in the world — captures Sohrab’s attention. Before Farid leaves, Amir gives him an envelope of money, and then never sees him again. Amir falls asleep, and when he wakes up, Sohrab is gone.

Did Hassan know that Baba was his father?

Expert Answers Hassan never discovered anything about Baba being his genetic father as it is never mentioned anywhere in the book. All the “grey” areas are there to be filled in as one pleases, though, based on all the other information given in the book.

Is Baba a hypocrite?

It is true that Amir makes the choice, but his conflict is created primarily by his father. Baba is also a hypocrite. While he preaches to Amir that the worst sin of all is lying, Baba lives his entire life with the huge undisclosed lie of omission that Hassan is also his son.

Where do Amir and Baba stay while the truck is being fixed?

Where do Amir and Baba stay while the truck is being fixed? They stay in a basement.

Why did Baba build an orphanage?

But as Rahim Khan explains, Baba built the orphanage to make up for the guilt he felt for not being able to acknowledge Hassan as his son. Baba, as Rahim Khan explains in his note, felt guilty over his rich, privileged life because Hassan was not able to share in it.

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