What is the current price for beef?

What is the current price for beef?

Cattle ($/hundredweight)

Provinces March
2020 2021
AlbertaAB $121.97 $145.73
SaskatchewanSK $98.90 $119.99
ManitobaMB $105.15 $124.77

What is the price of beef in Australia?


Last Value 5.677
Latest Period Jun 2021
Last Updated Jul 6 2021, 11:01 EDT
Average Growth Rate 4.68%

How much is an eighth of beef?

Most 1/8s are around $450-550 for the beef cost plus butcher fees and processing fee. Final total costs average between $ 550 and $575 BUT these costs can vary 10 – 20% with a much larger or smaller animal. Regardless though you get every pound that you pay for!

How much did an orange cost in 1964?

Buying power of $20 since 1939

Year USD Value Inflation Rate
1962 $64.10 2.67%
1963 $73.29 14.33%
1964 $71.66 -2.22%
1965 $63.28 -11.69%

How much was a movie ticket in 1963?

What was life like back then? Here’s a snapshot: “Cleopatra,” starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, was the number one film at the box office that year, when the average movie ticket cost 85 cents. A loaf of bread cost 22 cents . . . a gallon of gas, 30 cents.

How much was a movie ticket in 1940?

In 1940, a movie ticket cost a quarter. Now, some theaters charge upwards of $10 for admission.

How much was a movie ticket in 1967?

Check out the evolution of the price of a single movie ticket, according to the National Association of Theatre Owners: 1948: $0.36. 1958: $0.68. 1967: $1.22.

How much was a movie in 1973?

Adjusted for inflation, that $1.76 movie ticket in 1973 would cost $9.26 today. Movies “still stand out as a less expensive out-of-home experience,” Corcoran says.

How much did it cost to go to the movies in 1960?

In 1960, the average price of a movie ticket was 69-cents, the equivalent of around $4.00 in today’s dollars. But despite bargain basement prices, fewer and fewer Americans were going to see movies.

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