What is the current price of mustard in Haryana?

What is the current price of mustard in Haryana?

Mustard Today’s Market price in Haryana

Commodity: Mustard
Avg Price: 5050.00 INR/Quintal
Costliest Market Price: 5050.00 INR/Quintal
Cheapest Market Price: 5050.00 INR/Quintal
Latest Price Date: 6-Apr-2021

What is the rate of mustard in Bihar?

Rs.63.00 / Kg

Commodity Arrivals Rate
Mustard Oil 2 14200.00
Ghee NR 42000.00
Coconut Oil 0.1 22000.00
Arecanut 1.33 34400.00

Is French’s Mustard the best?

French’s Yellow Mustard “French’s, the best-selling mustard brand, has managed to keep their mustard free from some unnecessary ingredients like colorings or preservatives,” Tao says. “They’ve also managed to keep the sodium content relatively low.”

What are the best mustard brands?


  • French’s 100% Yellow Mustard.
  • Sir Kensington’s Spicy Brown Mustard.
  • Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard.
  • Grey Poupon Dijon Mustard.
  • Annie’s Naturals Organic Mustard.
  • Garlic Festival Sweet and Spicy.
  • Heinz Spicy Brown Mustard.
  • Zatarain’s Brown Mustard.

What is the best hot dog mustard?

David Dwoskin, president of Davis Food, makes Cleveland’s Authentic Stadium Mustard (not to be confused with Bertman’s Original Ball Park Mustard), also known as the best brown mustard that’ll ever zig-zag across the top of your hot dog.

What mustard is used in hot dogs?

Yellow mustard is the most popular mustard variety, listed as one of the three most commonly used condiments, along with ketchup and mayonnaise, according to a 2016 report on condiment consumption prepared by Mintel, a market research firm.

What’s America’s favorite mustard?

No matter where you enjoy your hot dog or burger, you’ll always find America’s favorite mustard: French’s.

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