What is the definition of contemplate?

What is the definition of contemplate?

1 : to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on contemplate the vastness of the universe contemplated the meaning of the poem.

Which word means the same as contemplate?

Some common synonyms of contemplate are consider, study, and weigh. While all these words mean “to think about in order to arrive at a judgment or decision,” contemplate stresses focusing one’s thoughts on something but does not imply coming to a conclusion or decision.

What does anguished mean?

: extreme pain, distress, or anxiety cries of anguish mental anguish. anguish. verb. anguished; anguishing; anguishes.

How do you use the word contemplate?

Contemplating in a Sentence ?

  1. After seeing his girlfriend’s offensive text, he was contemplating a breakup.
  2. It was a tough choice contemplating whether to buy the SUV or truck.
  3. The president of the company was contemplating a new program that would promote brand loyalty.

Is contemplating a good thing?

Regardless of whether a person engages in contemplation while sitting in contemplative prayer or meditation, moving gently as part of a mind-body practice such as yoga or tai chi, or using introspection or reflective techniques as part of their work, evidence from literally thousands of studies conducted over the past …

How do you contemplate?

Here are the basic steps to follow

  1. Find a spot where you can relax comfortably without interruption.
  2. Take a few deep breaths and relax your body.
  3. Contemplate the seed idea.
  4. Observe your thoughts as they arise.
  5. To concentrate your thinking, ask yourself questions such as: What does this mean to me?

Why do we need to contemplate?

Contemplation is an important antidote for the over stimulated extra busy mind. Spending time quietly contemplating our truths, our questions, our emotions, the callings of our heart, and the important messages of our intuitive nature is time well spent.

What is divine contemplation?

In Eastern Christianity, contemplation (theoria) literally means to see God or to have the Vision of God. The process of changing from the old man of sin into the newborn child of God and into our true nature as good and divine is called Theosis.

What does it mean to contemplate life?

intransitive/transitive to think very carefully about something for a long time. I haven’t got time to sit around contemplating the meaning of life.

What is a contemplative person?

Someone who is contemplative thinks deeply, or is thinking in a serious and calm way.

What is self contemplation?

: the act of studying or contemplating oneself Journals kept in the past were, of course, written by literate people with the leisure for self-contemplation.—

Does not contemplate meaning?

to look at or view with continued attention; observe or study thoughtfully: to contemplate the stars. to have as a purpose; intend: The District Attorney’s office does not contemplate any charges. to have in view as a future event: to contemplate buying a new car.

What’s the meaning of debonair?

1a : suave, urbane a debonair performer. b : lighthearted, nonchalant. 2 archaic : gentle, courteous.

What is a consider?

: to think about (something or someone) carefully especially in order to make a choice or decision. : to think about (something that is important in understanding something or in making a decision or judgment)

What is an act of futility?

1 : the quality or state of being futile : uselessness His speech focused on the futility of violence. 2 : a useless act or gesture the futilities of debate for its own sake— W. A. White.

What is another word for reluctantly?


  • cagey.
  • (also cagy),
  • disinclined,
  • dubious,
  • hesitant,
  • indisposed,
  • loath.
  • (also loth or loathe),

Is hogwash a bad word?

However, hogwash is not a term that concerns washing a hog, it is actually another word for nonsense, something that is not true or something that does not make sense. The word hogwash is usually considered informal or slang vocabulary, and is not used in literary writing.

What does balderdash mean?

noun. senseless, stupid, or exaggerated talk or writing; nonsense. Obsolete. a muddled mixture of liquors.

What’s another word for hogwash?

What is another word for hogwash?

gibberish nonsense
baloney drivel
garbage malarkey
poppycock balderdash
blather claptrap

What is a drivel?

intransitive verb. 1 : to talk stupidly and carelessly What is he driveling about now? 2 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : slaver.

What’s another word for Testament?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for testament, like: will, testiment, proof, testimonial, testimony, true, belief, attest, tribute, covenant and evidence.

Where did the term hogwash come from?

-Hogwash is a simple compound noun formed around the mid-15th century from the two English nouns hog ‘a type of swine, a pig’ and wash ‘waste liquid or food refuse from a kitchen. ‘ The wash was often put to use as food for domesticated animals, particularly as swill for pigs.

Is poppycock a bad word?

It’s a fine-sounding expletive — meaning nonsense or rubbish — but hardly heard on anybody’s lips these days, and rather dated. Despite some uninformed speculation, there’s no link with the vulgar meaning of cock. …

Where does the expression Patsy come from?

One is from the Italian pazzo , meaning ”fool. ” The other is that Patsy, as the diminutive of the name Patrick, was originally an underworld adjective for ”all is well,” which when turned into a noun came to mean ”sucker,” in the sense of one being born every minute.

What does it mean to swill someone?

intransitive verb. 1 : to drink or eat freely, greedily, or to excess. 2 : swash.

What is it called when you throw a drink in someone’s face?

Swilling – throwing a drink over someone. Soound as a poound – good/approved. It’ll be proper mint! – it will be great.

Is throwing a drink in someones face assault?

Is throwing something at someone assault? You do not need to make physical contact with your accuser to be convicted of assault. You can be charged for spitting on someone, pouring a drink on them, or even throwing something at them, as long as the physical contact with your accuser was violent, offensive, or painful.

What does trajectory mean?

1 : the curve that a body (such as a planet or comet in its orbit or a rocket) describes in space. 2 : a path, progression, or line of development resembling a physical trajectory an upward career trajectory.

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