What is the difference between 4500 watt and 3800 watt water heater?

What is the difference between 4500 watt and 3800 watt water heater?

A 4500-watt element requires 10/2 wire and a 30 amp (220volt) breaker. The 3800 can be wired with 12/2 wire and a 20 amp breaker. The combination of lower watt density and less mineral buildup will increase the service life of these Marathon water heater elements in harsh water conditions.

Can you put a 3500 watt element in a 4500 watt water heater?

When selecting element, buy same wattage or less wattage… keep volts the same. It is ok to install higher watt up to 5500 on 4500 watt heater if breaker is 30 amp and wire is 10 gauge. It is ok to install lower watt: replace 4500 with 3500 as long as voltage is same.

Can I use a lower wattage element in my water heater?

It’s just fine to use lower wattage heater. Larger tank will increase available capacity after its all warmed up, but recovery rate is determined by heater.

Is a higher wattage water heater better?

The higher the BTU input and efficiency, the faster the recovery. Electric water heaters typically have one 5,500-watt or two 4,500-watt elements. Two lower-kilowatt elements will heat much faster than one higher-wattage element.

Does wattage matter for water heater?

The differences in wattage is not important but the higher wattage elements will heat the water faster. Most water heater connections are 30A. That would safely power up to a 24A continuous load.

How many watts should my water heater be?

4000 watts

How much electricity does a hot shower use?

Assuming that the rates of electricity and water in your area are near the national average, 12 cents per kilowatt-hour and $1.50/1k U.S. gallons, each shower will cost you 25 cents or 51 cents per day for the whole household, according to the shower cost calculator by Omni.

Can I use a 4500 wattage element in my water heater?

Most 50 amp water heater will come with 4500 watt elements. On a 240 volt circuit that is 4500 / 240 = 18.75 amps, so, no, that will not trip a 20 amp breakers, however, it will be operating the breaker nearly 95% of its 20 ampacity rating and most breakers are not rated for that.

How many amps does a 40 gallon hot water tank use?

Depending on the code, a 2500w heater w/240v will draw 2500/240 or 18.75 Amps and either 25 or 30 Amps.

What size breaker do I need for a 40 gallon water heater?

Your average residential 30 or 40 gallon water heater is 4500 watts and usually goes on a 30 A breaker. Electric water heaters require a 240-volt dedicated circuit, which serves only the water heater and no other appliances or devices.

How many amps does a water heater pull?

The standard amperage for an electric water heater is 18.8 Amps with 240Volts, 4500 Watt. A gas water heater in average uses less than 12 Amps with 115Volts (US and Canada).

How many amps does a 80 gallon water heater pull?

This should be checked out first. A water heater will only draw depending on the wattage of the element(s). So your WH has 2 – 4500 watt elements. When only one runs it is drawing about 22 amps (208 is nominal voltage which is what you have in your building) 4500/208= 21.6 amps.

Can I use 10 2 wire for a water heater?

Most water heaters are wired with 10-2 w/Ground shielded cable. For long distances you may need to go with heavier wire. When you use this type of wire both the white and the black will serve as hot conductors. The bare ground wire will also be connected to the neutral lug.

What size wire do I need for a 4500 watt water heater?

A 4500-watt element requires 10/2 wire and a 30 amp (220volt) breaker.

How many amps does a 10 gallon water heater pull?

16.7 A Amps

What gauge wire do you use for a hot water heater?

It’s a good idea to wire a hot water heater with wire that’s larger than the current requirement. A 20-amp hot water heater requires 12-gauge wire, a 25-amp hot water heater requires 10-gauge wire, and a 30- to 40-amp hot water heater requires 8-gauge wire.

What size wire do I need for a 50 gallon water heater?

The standard for water heater circuits is #10, two conductors with ground (10/2) and a 30 amp circuit breaker for a water heater.

How many amps does a 50 gallon water heater use?

A typical 50 gallon electric water heater runs at 4500 watts. In an electric circuit of 240 volts, 4500 watts is equivalent to 18.75 amps.

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