What is the difference between a gas fireplace insert and gas logs?

What is the difference between a gas fireplace insert and gas logs?

A gas insert also features a blower that pushes warm air into the room for more powerful heating, as opposed to just radiating heat out naturally. As a result, gas inserts are much more efficient heaters than gas log sets, with efficiency rated between 70%-85%.

How does a ventless gas fireplace work?

The ventless fireplace works in a U-shaped path. Oxygen is taken in from the room and typically enters through the bottom of the fireplace. The regulator mixes the air with gas to produce the fire. There’s usually a vent at the top that releases air back into the room.

Do gas fireplace logs heat a room?

Vent-free gas logs are an inexpensive and efficient way to add extra heat to a room without having to open the damper on your fireplace. These logs use the air from within the room for combustion and then put heat back out into the room.

Does a gas fireplace actually heat a room?

By practicing zone heating with gas fireplaces, homeowners heat the room or living area where people spend the most time. This allows them to turn down the thermostat on their central furnace and use the gas fireplace as a supplemental heat source.

How much does it cost to run a gas fireplace?

Gas Fireplace Cost Estimates**

Gas Fireplaces Medium Fireplace
Usage NG Gas Cost Zone Heating (High)
Low (8hrs/day) Low ($1) $ 787
Medium ($1.5) $ 1,181
High ($2) $ 1,575

How long do gas fireplace logs last?

Type of gas logs: A well maintained vented log set with ceramic logs will last a very long time, in some cases 10 or more years. A well maintained ventless log set with ceramic logs can also last a long time, but, if heavily used, will begin to wear in 3-5 years.

Should gas fireplace flue be open or closed?

Our research shows that the flue on a gas fireplace should remain open during use or when the pilot light is lit. If the flue is closed in either instance, you risk a greater chance of carbon monoxide poisoning or a spark induced structure fire due to a buildup of toxins emitted by propane or natural gas burners.

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