What is the difference between short communication and full length paper?

What is the difference between short communication and full length paper?

Actually, a short communication aims at establishing one single result, and it should be written in no more than 4 pages, while a full length article may include more than one results, and there is usually a page limit higher then 4.

How long should journals be?

between 5-20 minutes

What is the main book of accounts?

It is the most important book of. preparation of the financial statements.

What is difference between cash book and ledger?

Cash book consist of all expenses involved cash and bank operations whereas the ledger consists of all type of expenses and accounts related to assests,liabilities and parties to the business. But a ledger is a book contains all accounts related to the business including cash and credit transactions.

What are the three books of accounts?

3 Sets of Books – Introduction to Financial Accounting, the Financial Statements, and the Balance Sheet | Coursera.

Who is required to maintain books of accounts?

Books of accounts/accounting records have to be maintained if the gross receipts are more than Rs. 1,50,000 in 3 preceding years for an existing profession. This also applies to a newly set up profession whose gross receipts are expected to be more than Rs. 1,50,000.

Why is General Ledger called final entry?

The Ledger is called the book of final entry because it is the book in which all the business transactions would ultimately find their place.

What is the T account?

A T-account is an informal term for a set of financial records that uses double-entry bookkeeping. The term describes the appearance of the bookkeeping entries. A T-account is also called a ledger account.

What is the normal balance of expense account?

Recording changes in Income Statement Accounts

Account Type Normal Balance
Liability CREDIT
Revenue CREDIT
Expense DEBIT

What is the normal balance of any account?

The normal balance is part of the double-entry bookkeeping method and refers to the expected debit or credit balance in a specified account. For example, accounts on the left-hand side of the accounting equation will increase with a debit entry and will have a debit (DR) normal balance.

What are the two accounting rules?

The two basic accounting rules are 1) Account balances increase on the normal balance side of the account. 2)Account balances decrease on the opposite side of the normal balance side of the account. A list of accounts used by a business. State the four questions used to analyze a transaction.

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