What is the difference between transparent and opaque objects give two examples of each?

What is the difference between transparent and opaque objects give two examples of each?

A transparent object is the one which allows the lights rays to pass through it for example glass and water. An opaque object doesn’t let light pass through it. It is a dark object for example cement, metal etc.

Is opaque transparent?

Definition of Opaque The word opaque is an adjective used to describe something “not capable of having light pass through.” In science terms, opaque is actually the opposite of transparent and translucent.

What is example of opaque?

An opaque object is something that allows no light through it. Concrete, wood, and metal are some examples of opaque materials. Some materials can be opaque to light, but not to other types of electromagnetic waves.

What are examples of transparent materials?

Examples of transparent items are glass, water, and air. Those materials that allow some light to pass through them are called translucent and include things like frosted glass and wax paper. If an object does not allow any light to pass through it then it is opaque.

What is the example of transparency?

Transparency is the condition of being see-through. An example of transparency is the fact that you can see through glass. Describes the situation that occurs when companies openly communicate important information to investors and shareholders.

What are three types of transparency?

Following are three essential forms of transparency and their importance for the entrepreneur.

  • Transparency with yourself. Full transparency starts within yourself.
  • Transparency with others.
  • Transparency within your business.

How can I be honest and transparent at work?

Transparency: an open, honest and direct communication with co-workers and business associates.

  1. Start by being transparent with your project teams.
  2. Explain your decisions.
  3. Develop a transparent work processes.
  4. Find like minds.
  5. Make yourself available.
  6. Know when to keep information to yourself.

How many types of transparency are there?

The level of transparency supported by the DDBMS varies from system to system. Three levels of distribution transparency are recognized: Fragmentation transparency is the highest level of transparency.

What is failure and concurrency transparency?

Concurrency transparency. Several processes run concurrently using shared information objects without interference among them. Multiple instances of information objects are used to increase reliability without the knowledge of users or applications. • Failure transparency.

What transparency is required for distributed systems?

Transparency means that any form of distributed system should hide its distributed nature from its users, appearing and functioning as a normal centralized system. Replication transparency – If a resource is replicated among several locations, it should appear to the user as a single resource.

Which of the following is NOT type of transparency?

Steel does not allow to pass light through it hence is an opaque object.

Which is not a transparency key type?

Which of the following is not a transparency key type? Answers: Blue screen.

How are computers distributed?

A distributed computer system consists of multiple software components that are on multiple computers, but run as a single system. The computers that are in a distributed system can be physically close together and connected by a local network, or they can be geographically distant and connected by a wide area network.

Which of the following is a transparent substance?

Glass, water, plastic(some types) are examples of transparent material as the light can pass through them.

What are the transparent and opaque object?

Transparent Objects : If you are able to see clearly through an object, it is allowing light to pass through it and is transparent. For example :water,clear glass etc. Opaque Objects : If we cannot see through an object at all, it is an opaque object. For example: wooden door, wall etc.

Is Sugar transparent or opaque?

Name of the material Appearance (Hard/Soft) Transparency (Transparent/Translucent/Opaque)
Glass marbles Hard Transparent
Hair Soft Opaque
Naphthalene ball Hard Opaque
A piece of sugar candy (mishri) Hard Translucent

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