What is the distance between Hamburg and Nuremberg?
289 miles
Is it cheaper to buy a train ticket on the day?
Generally, train fares go up in price, right up until the day you travel. So, the secret to finding cheap train tickets is booking Advance tickets. * Average savings on all fares booked at least one week before day of travel vs Anytime fares purchased on day of travel.
Are trains expensive in Germany?
Taking trains in Germany can be expensive, though most locals don’t pay the full fare. For those traveling within Germany for a longer period of time, consider one of Deutsche Bahn’s annual discount cards, which provide either 25%, 50%, or 100% off of the cost of all train tickets purchased within one year.
Why trains are so expensive in Germany?
Basically RE-bahn also called Regio bahn have multiple stops in between the source and destination and speed of a train is way slower compared to ICE. ICE’s have advantage of being the fastest trains in the Germany. So, their tickets are expensive compared to RE-bahn.
Which country has the most expensive train fares?
What is the cheapest way to travel in Germany?
Cheap travel in Germany: bus If you are unable to get cheap train tickets or a carpool, you can most definitely consider taking buses for your trip. With a large number of low-cost bus services like Meinfernbus, DeinBus, Eurolines, Flixbus, you can travel across large distances at the cheapest prices possible.
Do I tip in Germany?
How much to tip. There is no hard and fast rule about the acceptable amount to tip in Germany. The general custom is a nominal tip, as indicated by the German word for tip (Trinkgeld, or money for a drink). Many people simply round off the bill to the next euro or add a couple more, which is perfectly acceptable.
Is 100k euro a good salary in Germany?
Yes, very good. Salaries in Germany are in general unbelievably low compared to cost of living expenses as German companies try to squeeze their employees to beat the market. Germany is a “Billiglohnland”. …
Is 80k good salary in Germany?
80,000 is a very good salary in Germany. But not all cities in Germany have similar living cost. For example the Munich area is very expensive, sometimes twice as expensive compared to other cities.
Which country has the most job opportunities?
Rank | Country Name | Opportunity Index |
1 | Singapore | 82.56 |
2 | Hong Kong | 80.73 |
3 | United Arab Emirates | 78.83 |
4 | Australia | 77.46 |