What is the distance between two given notes what do you call this distance?
An INTERVAL is the distance between two notes /pitches. Intervals are named by size and quality: Interval Size: The size is an Arabic number. (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 4) To determine the size, count the note names between the two notes given (inclusive).
What is the distance between two pitches?
What is the term for an interval in which the notes are played in succession instead of simultaneously?
Arpeggio: A chord with the notes played one after another in succession, instead of simultaneously. A broken chord; (from arpa, Italian for harp). Perfect intervals and major intervals raised by a half step are also termed augmented.
What note is a perfect 4th above C?
For example, in the steps above, one of the intervals we measured was a perfect 4th above C, which is note F. In contrast, an inverted interval specifies the distance from F to C – ie. note C is above note F.
What is a major 3rd above BB?
For example, in the steps above, one of the intervals we measured was a major 3rd above Bb, which is note D. note Bb is above note D.
What is a major third and perfect fifth?
For example, the interval of four semitones occurs as the third note of the major scale, and thus it is called a major third. The interval of seven semitones occurs as the fifth note of the major scale, and so it is called a perfect fifth.
Why is it called a major third?
The major third may be derived from the harmonic series as the interval between the fourth and fifth harmonics. The major scale is so named because of the presence of this interval between its tonic and mediant (1st and 3rd) scale degrees.
What is the major 3rd of D?
Having established that the major 3rd interval of the D major scale is note F#, this step will explore the other 3rd intervals next this note. A major interval always has 3 other intervals grouped around it – one higher and two lower: > One half-tone / semitone up from the major interval is the augmented interval. >