What is the distance from a concave mirror of focal length 25 cm?

What is the distance from a concave mirror of focal length 25 cm?

Answer Expert Verified We can Says that ,if object is Equal to image , For which that distance will be double to it’s focal Length. Therefore, the object Distance should be 50 Cm from the pole of the mirror.

Where are periscopes used today?

Uses Of Periscope

  • It is used in submarines to determine the distance of a torpedo and helps in deciding the right time for the attack.
  • It is used in a nuclear reactor to observe the chemical reactions that are taking place.
  • In military periscopes are used to observe from their hiding position.

Which mirror is used in floodlights?

(B) Flood lights: flood light uses a concave mirror to focus or converge the light into a single powerful beam. It is used in stadiums for night matches.

What type of mirror is lunch plates?

Sl.No Concave Mirror Convex Mirror
4. Caving side of spoon Curving side of spoon
5. Torch glass Electric Bulb
6. Inner surface of steel basin Outer surface of steel basin
7. Lunch plates Calling bell

What type of mirror is used in Globe?

The two most common types of spherical mirrors are concave and convex mirrors.

Is calling Bell concave or convex?

Concave mirror v/s convex mirror – result

Concave mirror Convex Mirror
The examples of concave mirrors are the mirrors used in automobile head lights, reflecting telescopes, torch lights, etc. The examples of convex mirrors are the mirrors used as rear side mirrors of vehicles, optical instruments, calling bell, etc.

Which objects at your home act as spherical mirrors?

Which objects at your home act as spherical mirrors?

  • The outer surfaces of stainless steel utensils, spoons, plates etc., act as convex mirrors.
  • The inner surfaces of the above said articles act as concave mirrors.
  • Any bulged surface with high polish acts as a convex mirror.

Can a convex mirror burn a paper if not why?

Answer: Concave mirror converges the light rays to a single direction which cause excess heat but in case of convex mirror the light rays falling on it gets diverged and thus cannot point on any one direction. So convex mirrors cannot burn paper like concave mirrors.

What are the uses of convex mirrors in our daily life?

  • Inside buildings. You might have noticed that large office buildings, stores, hospitals, and other many other buildings have convex mirrors in the corners.
  • Sunglasses. We might have used sunglasses many times.
  • Vehicle mirrors.
  • Magnifying glasses.
  • For security purposes.
  • Street light reflectors.

What are two examples of a concave lens?

There are many examples of concave lenses in real-life applications.

  • Binoculars and telescopes.
  • Eye Glasses to correct nearsightedness.
  • Cameras.
  • Flashlights.
  • Lasers (CD, DVD players for example).

What is the difference between a concave and convex lens?

A convex lens or converging lens focuses the light rays to a specific point whereas a concave lens or diverging lens diverges the light rays. When these lenses are combined, they produce sharper images. …

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