What is the Dutch word for toilet?

What is the Dutch word for toilet?

toilet → toilet, kleedkamer, badkamer, WC, toiletpot, secreet.

Where is nearest public toilet app?

Top 4 Bathroom Locator Apps For Android and iOS

  • Flush. Flush is a great bathroom locator app that works all over the world.
  • Sit or Squat. While developed by toilet paper brand Charmin in the US, Sit or Squat works globally.
  • Bathroom Scout.
  • The Great British Public Toilet Map.

Where can I pee in Amsterdam?

In areas in Amsterdam where toilet facilities are lacking, causing people to pee in the wild, toilets have been set in place. At parks like Vondelpark there are now public toilets. The council also came with a map where public toilets are located.

Why are there no public toilets in the Netherlands?

But for people who have incontinence problems, have a health issue that affects their digestive system (like Crohn’s disease, for example), or are pregnant, the lack of accessible public toilets in the Netherlands is a real problem. According to the NOS, it’s even preventing some people from leaving the house.

Why are Dutch toilets weird?

Arguably the most alarming feature of a Water Closet is the infamous Dutch toilet bowl. Dutch engineers have designed the bowl itself to contain a plateau set well above the normal water level. To say the least, one must be very comfortable with themselves and all their excrements on the display shelf.

Why do European toilets smell?

Horrible smells This is called a “trap” because it traps a small amount of water, which prevents bad smelling sewer air from wafting into the bathroom. In Europe these are often not present which leads to bathrooms that smell not just like a sewer, but like an old sewer.

Why do Germans inspect their stool?

It is not hygienic – the smell is ungodly. The only conceivable explanation is that Germans love to inspect their stool, so the German toilet of necessity features a built-in stool inspection shelf. Further research has revealed that the German toilet is in fact designed to facilitate stool examination.

What kind of germs are in poop?

Most just never pose us any harm. The reason “fecal bacteria” sounds so threatening is that plenty of legitimately awful, dangerous diseases spread via poop. Hepatitis, typhoid fever, cholera, norovirus, polio, E. coli, tape worms, giardia, rotavirus—they’ll all spread via the aptly named fecal-oral route.

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