What is the EE graded out of?

What is the EE graded out of?

34 points

How many points do you need to pass EE?

24 points

Can you fail Tok?

No diploma is awarded if a candidate fails to submit either the TOK essay or TOK presentation, or receives grade E for either the extended essay or theory of knowledge.

Can you pass IB with a 2?

There is a grade 1 earned in any subject/level. A score of 2 has been earned three or more times (HL or SL). A score of 3 or lower has been earned four or more times (HL or SL). Candidate has gained fewer than 12 points on HL subjects (for candidates who register for four HL subjects, the three highest grades count).

What happens if u fail IB?

If a student has failed an exam at the end of grade 11, he/she may retake the exam in May of grade 12. The IB instructor works throughout the IB course to familiarize students with the sort of questions and activities they will face on the IB exams.

What is needed to pass CAS?

CAS coordinators have the power to pass you for CAS or not which will affect your diploma/course. -You have to complete at least 50 hours for each strand (Creativity, Activity, and Service) for the year. Don’t do 100 hours for each strand so you don’t have to do it in IB2. You’ll still be forced to do it in IB2.

How many CAS reflections do I need 2020?


How many hours of CAS do you need?

50 hours

How many CAS reflections do I need 2021?

For your CAS requirement to be considered complete you must; show reflection+evidence that you have PROGRESSED in each of the SEVEN learning outcomes. Many students will choose to have three separate reflections for the beginning, middle, and end showcasing their progress through a particular learning outcome.

How long should CAS reflections be?

required word count: o For shorter experience (1-10 hours), your self-reflection should be at least 200 words. o For a longer experience (10 or more hours), your self-reflection should be at least 400 words.

How do you do CAS reflections?

Show commitment to, and perseverance in, CAS experiences – demonstrate regular involvement in CAS activities, and show how you work around or overcome challenges. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively – critically discuss the benefits and challenges of working with others.

How many CAS projects do you need?

CAS requires students to take part in a range of experiences and at least one project. These should involve: real, purposeful activities, with significant outcomes.

What counts as a CAS experience?

CAS is a program, which includes Creativity, Action, and Service activities. Each of these activities can be performed separately or combined partially or totally into a single project, which spans junior and senior years.

What are the 7 CAS learning outcomes?

  • CAS Learning Outcomes.
  • Strength & growth.
  • Challenge & skills.
  • Initiative & planning.
  • Working collaboratively with others.
  • Showing perseverance and commitment.
  • Global engagement.
  • Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

Does CAS count Mun?

MUN can give you creativity hours, but it wouldn’t count as your CAS original project unless you started it at your school. IMO, joining MUN can not be considered a CAS project because you are not actually taking initiative in starting anything, you are just part of a club.

Does reading a book count as CAS?

So reading books, going to theatres do not belong to CAS, neither Participation in Physical Education ( P.E ) nor Art classes which are compulsory and graded by the school can under no circumstances count as CAS. Any activity for which the student receives remuneration cannot count.

What can you do for CAS hours?

20 fun and rewarding CAS project ideas for IB students

  • Start a club! Starting a club at school is not only a great way to meet more of your classmates and make new friends.
  • Beach Clean Up.
  • Support a marathon..
  • Support others in your school.
  • Go Global!
  • Get dancing.
  • Teach others a language.
  • Make a movie.

What should I do for CAS?


  1. Volunteer at a local charity shop.
  2. Spend an hour a week volunteering at a nursing home.
  3. Volunteer at your local hospital.
  4. Start a Junior CPR Program, like Kira!
  5. Or organise a talent show at school, charge an entry fee, and donate the funds to charity.

Does going to the gym count as CAS?

For your normal activities you can pretty much count anything you want: Language club, gym, sports team (probably anything from football to mathletics), school play, etc.

What are the 5 CAS stages?

Students use the CAS stages (investigation, preparation, action, reflection and demonstration) as a framework for CAS experiences and the CAS project.

Who can be my CAS supervisor?

CAS Supervisors are adults related to and qualified to oversee the CAS experience you’ve chosen. Any LHS teacher, coach, community member, or adult you select (except parents-family members) can be your CAS supervisor or mentor overseeing your CAS experiences and activities.

What is the point of CAS?

What is the significance of CAS? CAS enables students to enhance their personal and interpersonal development by learning through experience. It provides opportunities for self-determination and collaboration with others, fostering a sense of accomplishment and enjoyment from their work.

What is not CAS?

Unsuitable CAS Activities: aka “Not CAS” Any activity or experience, no matter how well-intended, is not CAS without evidence of a thoughtful approach- reflection. Any class, activity or project which is part of your Diploma course.

What is a CAS for university?

What is a CAS number? CAS stands for Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies. UK immigration rules require the University to sponsor your application for a student visa (this is not the same as financial sponsorship).

What is CAS latency DDR4?

CAS latency tells you the total number of cycles it takes for the RAM to send data, but you should also consider the duration of each cycle to get a better idea of that RAM’s overall latency. While DDR4 RAM is newer with better storage density and power efficiency than DDR3 RAM, it tends to have higher CAS latency.

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